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10.9 References

Business Fundamentals was developed by the Global Text Project, which is working to create open-content electronictextbooks that are freely available on the website Distribution is also possible viapaper, CD, DVD, and via this collaboration, through Connexions. The goal is to make textbooks available to the manywho cannot afford them. For more information on getting involved with the Global Text Project or Connexions email us and

Editors: Donald J McCubbrey (Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, USA) and Garry Woods (CommerceNext LLC, USA)

Reviewer: Richard A Scudder (Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, USA)

(Friedman 2005) Friedman, Thomas, “The World is Flat” 1st edition, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005, ISBN 0-374-29288-4.

(Gartner 2008) Feinberg, Donald “The Growing Maturity of Open-Source Database Management Systems” (External Link) Accessed January 31, 2009.

(Google 2009) (External Link)

(Information Systems 2008) Information Systems 2008, Global Text.

(Microsoft 2009) (External Link)

(MySQL 2009) (External Link)

(Openoffice 2009) (External Link)

(Standish 2009) (External Link) , accessed July 27, 2009

(Stille 2009) (External Link)

(Zoho 2009) (External Link)

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Read also:

OpenStax, Business fundamentals. OpenStax CNX. Oct 08, 2010 Download for free at
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