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Key equations

Electrostatic energy for equilibrium separation distance between atoms U coul = k e 2 r 0
Energy change associated with ionic bonding U form = E transfer + U coul + U ex
Critical magnetic field of a superconductor B c ( T ) = B c ( 0 ) [ 1 ( T T c ) 2 ]
Rotational energy of a diatomic molecule E r = l ( l + 1 ) 2 2 I
Characteristic rotational energy of a molecule E 0 r = 2 2 I
Potential energy associated with the exclusion principle U ex = A r n
Dissociation energy of a solid U diss = α k e 2 r 0 ( 1 1 n )
Moment of inertia of a diatomic molecule with reduced mass μ I = μ r 0 2
Electron energy in a metal E = π 2 2 2 m L 2 ( n 1 2 + n 2 2 + n 3 2 )
Electron density of states of a metal g ( E ) = π V 2 ( 8 m e h 2 ) 3 / 2 E 1 / 2
Fermi energy E F = h 2 8 m e ( 3 N π V ) 2 / 3
Fermi temperature T F = E F k B
Hall effect V H = u B w
Current versus bias voltage across p-n junction I net = I 0 ( e e V b / k B T 1 )
Current gain I c = β I B
Selection rule for rotational energy transitions Δ l = ± 1
Selection rule for vibrational energy transitions Δ n = ± 1

Conceptual questions

Describe two main features of a superconductor.

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How does BCS theory explain superconductivity?

BSC theory explains superconductivity in terms of the interactions between electron pairs (Cooper pairs). One electron in a pair interacts with the lattice, which interacts with the second electron. The combine electron-lattice-electron interaction binds the electron pair together in a way that overcomes their mutual repulsion.

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What is the Meissner effect?

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What impact does an increasing magnetic field have on the critical temperature of a semiconductor?

As the magnitude of the magnetic field is increased, the critical temperature decreases.

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At what temperature, in terms of T C , is the critical field of a superconductor one-half its value at T = 0 K ?

T = 0.707 T c

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What is the critical magnetic field for lead at T = 2.8 K ?

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A Pb wire wound in a tight solenoid of diameter of 4.0 mm is cooled to a temperature of 5.0 K. The wire is connected in series with a 50 - Ω resistor and a variable source of emf. As the emf is increased, what value does it have when the superconductivity of the wire is destroyed?

61 kV

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A tightly wound solenoid at 4.0 K is 50 cm long and is constructed from Nb wire of radius 1.5 mm. What maximum current can the solenoid carry if the wire is to remain superconducting?

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Additional problems

Potassium fluoride (KF) is a molecule formed by an ionic bond. At equilibrium separation the atoms are r 0 = 0.255 nm apart. Determine the electrostatic potential energy of the atoms. The electron affinity of F is 3.40 eV and the ionization energy of K is 4.34 eV. Determine dissociation energy. (Neglect the energy of repulsion.)

U coul = −5.65 eV E form = −4.71 eV , E diss = 4.71 eV

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For the preceding problem, sketch the potential energy versus separation graph for the bonding of K + and Fl ions. (a) Label the graph with the energy required to transfer an electron from K to Fl. (b) Label the graph with the dissociation energy.

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The separation between hydrogen atoms in a H 2 molecule is about 0.075 nm. Determine the characteristic energy of rotation in eV.

E 0 r = 7.43 × 10 −3 eV

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The characteristic energy of the Cl 2 molecule is 2.95 × 10 −5 eV . Determine the separation distance between the nitrogen atoms.

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Questions & Answers

discuss how the following factors such as predation risk, competition and habitat structure influence animal's foraging behavior in essay form
Burnet Reply
location of cervical vertebra
What are acid
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define biology infour way
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What are types of cell
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how can I get this book
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what is lump
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what is cell
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what is biology
what's cornea?
Majak Reply
what are cell
Explain the following terms . (1) Abiotic factors in an ecosystem
Nomai Reply
Abiotic factors are non living components of ecosystem.These include physical and chemical elements like temperature,light,water,soil,air quality and oxygen etc
Define the term Abiotic
what is biology
daniel Reply
what is diffusion
Emmanuel Reply
passive process of transport of low-molecular weight material according to its concentration gradient
what is production?
Pathogens and diseases
how did the oxygen help a human being
Achol Reply
how did the nutrition help the plants
Achol Reply
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Source:  OpenStax, University physics volume 3. OpenStax CNX. Nov 04, 2016 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col12067/1.4
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