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The decline in print news reading predates 2004. Print newspaper circulation peaked in 1973 and has declined since then due to competition from television and radio news. In 1991, 55% of Americans indicated they got their news from print sources, while only 29% did so in 2012. Radio news has followed a similar path in recent decades, with the share of Americans getting their news from radio declining from 54% in 1991 to 33% in 2012. Television news has held its own over the last 15 years, with a market share staying in the mid to upper fifties. What does this suggest for the future, given that two-thirds of Americans under 30 years old say they do not get their news from television at all?

The interconnections and speed of adjustment in real markets

In the real world, many factors that affect demand and supply can change all at once. For example, the demand for cars might increase because of rising incomes and population, and it might decrease because of rising gasoline prices (a complementary good). Likewise, the supply of cars might increase because of innovative new technologies that reduce the cost of car production, and it might decrease as a result of new government regulations requiring the installation of costly pollution-control technology.

Moreover, rising incomes and population or changes in gasoline prices will affect many markets, not just cars. How can an economist sort out all these interconnected events? The answer lies in the ceteris paribus    assumption. Look at how each economic event affects each market, one event at a time, holding all else constant. Then combine the analyses to see the net effect.

A combined example

The U.S. Postal Service is facing difficult challenges. Compensation for postal workers tends to increase most years due to cost-of-living increases. At the same time, more and more people are using email, text, and other digital message forms such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with friends and others. What does this suggest about the continued viability of the Postal Service? [link] and the text below illustrates using the four-step analysis to answer this question.

Higher compensation for postal workers: a four-step analysis

This image has two panels. The one on the left shows the four step analysis of higher compensation for postal workers. The one on the right shows the four-step analysis of a change in tastes away from Postal Services.
(a) Higher labor compensation causes a leftward shift in the supply curve, a decrease in the equilibrium quantity, and an increase in the equilibrium price. (b) A change in tastes away from Postal Services causes a leftward shift in the demand curve, a decrease in the equilibrium quantity, and a decrease in the equilibrium price.

Since this problem involves two disturbances, we need two four-step analyses, the first to analyze the effects of higher compensation for postal workers, the second to analyze the effects of many people switching from “snailmail” to email and other digital messages.

[link] (a) shows the shift in supply discussed in the following steps.

Step 1. Draw a demand and supply model to illustrate what the market for the U.S. Postal Service looked like before this scenario starts. The demand curve D 0 and the supply curve S 0 show the original relationships.

Questions & Answers

why economics is difficult for 2nd school students.
Siraj Reply
what does mean opportunity cost?
Aster Reply
what is poetive effect of population growth
Solomon Reply
what is inflation
Nasir Reply
what is demand
what is economics
economics theory describes individual behavior as the result of a process of optimization under constraints the objective to be reached being determined by
Economics is a branch of social science that deal with How to wise use of resource ,s
Economic Needs: In economics, needs are goods or services that are necessary for maintaining a certain standard of living. This includes things like healthcare, education, and transportation.
What is demand and supply
deman means?
what is supply?
ex play supply?
Money market is a branch or segment of financial market where short-term debt instruments are traded upon. The instruments in this market includes Treasury bills, Bonds, Commercial Papers, Call money among other.
murana Reply
what is money market
umar Reply
Examine the distinction between theory of comparative cost Advantage and theory of factor proportion
Fatima Reply
What is inflation
Bright Reply
a general and ongoing rise in the level of prices in an economy
What are the factors that affect demand for a commodity
Florence Reply
differentiate between demand and supply giving examples
Lambiv Reply
differentiated between demand and supply using examples
what is labour ?
how will I do?
Venny Reply
how is the graph works?I don't fully understand
Rezat Reply
hi guys good evening to all
multiple choice question
Aster Reply

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Source:  OpenStax, Principles of economics. OpenStax CNX. Sep 19, 2014 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11613/1.11
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