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0.2 Practice tests (1-4) and final exams  (Page 31/36)

Use the following information to answer the next three exercises: De Anza College keeps statistics on the pass rate of students who enroll in math classes. In a sample of 1,795 students enrolled in Math 1A (1st quarter calculus), 1,428 passed the course. In a sample of 856 students enrolled in Math 1B (2nd quarter calculus), 662 passed. In general, are the pass rates of Math 1A and Math 1B statistically the same? Let A = the subscript for Math 1A and B = the subscript for Math 1B.

11 . If you were to conduct an appropriate hypothesis test, the alternate hypothesis would be:

  1. H a : p A = p B
  2. H a : p A > p B
  3. H o : p A = p B
  4. H a : p A p B

12 . The Type I error is to:

  1. conclude that the pass rate for Math 1A is the same as the pass rate for Math 1B when, in fact, the pass rates are different.
  2. conclude that the pass rate for Math 1A is different than the pass rate for Math 1B when, in fact, the pass rates are the same.
  3. conclude that the pass rate for Math 1A is greater than the pass rate for Math 1B when, in fact, the pass rate for Math 1A is less than the pass rate for Math 1B.
  4. conclude that the pass rate for Math 1A is the same as the pass rate for Math 1B when, in fact, they are the same.

13 . The correct decision is to:

  1. reject H 0
  2. not reject H 0
  3. There is not enough information given to conduct the hypothesis test

Kia, Alejandra, and Iris are runners on the track teams at three different schools. Their running times, in minutes, and the statistics for the track teams at their respective schools, for a one mile run, are given in the table below:

Running Time School Average Running Time School Standard Deviation
Kia 4.9 5.2 0.15
Alejandra 4.2 4.6 0.25
Iris 4.5 4.9 0.12

14 . Which student is the BEST when compared to the other runners at her school?

  1. Kia
  2. Alejandra
  3. Iris
  4. Impossible to determine

Use the following information to answer the next two exercises: The following adult ski sweater prices are from the Gorsuch Ltd. Winter catalog: $212, $292, $278, $199, $280, $236

Assume the underlying sweater price population is approximately normal. The null hypothesis is that the mean price of adult ski sweaters from Gorsuch Ltd. is at least $275.

15 . The correct distribution to use for the hypothesis test is:

  1. Normal
  2. Binomial
  3. Student's t
  4. Exponential

16 . The hypothesis test:

  1. is two-tailed.
  2. is left-tailed.
  3. is right-tailed.
  4. has no tails.

17 . Sara, a statistics student, wanted to determine the mean number of books that college professors have in their office. She randomly selected two buildings on campus and asked each professor in the selected buildings how many books are in his or her office. Sara surveyed 25 professors. The type of sampling selected is

  1. simple random sampling.
  2. systematic sampling.
  3. cluster sampling.
  4. stratified sampling.

18 . A clothing store would use which measure of the center of data when placing orders for the typical "middle" customer?

  1. mean
  2. median
  3. mode
  4. IQR

19 . In a hypothesis test, the p -value is

  1. the probability that an outcome of the data will happen purely by chance when the null hypothesis is true.
  2. called the preconceived alpha.
  3. compared to beta to decide whether to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.
  4. Answer choices A and B are both true.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Introductory statistics. OpenStax CNX. May 06, 2016 Download for free at
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