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8.3 3.1.4 ecosystems  (Page 5/6)

Practical Technique (8)

Total 40 marks

Memo: Environmental Investigation

Hypothesis – Write a Hypothesis for your investigation. What are you trying to prove? (2)

  • There is a difference/ no difference One side has more grass plants/greater density of grass plants than the other (2)

Method – Write a bullet pointed Method for your investigation procedure. Remember to include the steps taken to make it Fair, Reliable, Precise andValid. (8)

  • Use random sampling/Construct square/Count stems/Record/Repeat/Find average/Repeat for other side/in exactly the same way (Max 7)

  • Bullet pointed or numbered (1)

Justification – Explain what you did to make your experiment Fair, Reliable, Precise and Valid. (4)

  • Fair linked to doing the same to both sides

  • Reliable linked to repeats

  • Precise linked to using ruler/precise counting

  • Valid linked t no bias/random

Results – Display your results in a table and in a graph if appropriate. (8)

  • Caption (2)

  • Table headings( 2)

  • Correct data (2)

  • Total and average (2)

Analysis – Use maths to analyse your results and state clearly what the results show. (4)

  • Correct calculation of total shown (2)

  • Correct calculation of average shown (1) AND LINKED TO HYPOTHESIS (1)

Evaluation - Evaluate your experiment. What was good about it and why? What could you improve and how? (6)

  • 3 Good points mentioned (3) eg Reliable, Precise, Fair, Unbiased

  • 3 Improvements mentioned (3) More samples, Bigger square, Extend to other areas

Practical Technique (8)

  • Candidate fully involved in all aspects of investigation (2)

  • Candidate often involved (1)

  • Candidate lets others do the work (0)

  • Candidate counted patiently and accurately (2)

  • Candidate did some counting (1)

  • Candidate did no counting (0)

  • Candidate fully involved in planning (2)

  • Candidate involved t some extent in planning (1)

  • Candidate did no planning (0)

  • Candidate ensured results were recorded properly by group (2)

  • Candidate involved t some extent in recording (1)

  • Candidate did no recording (0)

Total 40 marks

Investigative project

Background information on the state of our environment

Population growth – The increase in population no’s together with the world unsustainable consumption pattern is putting ever-increasing stress on theland, water, air, energy and other essential resources of the planet. Rapid population growth is usually accompanied by serious environmental degradation,including soil erosion, desertification and deforestation.

Biological diversity – is essential for human survival. Biological resources provide food, medicines, clothing, housing and a wide range of raw materials. They areimportant for the future improvement of livestock and crops, and for the development of new medicines and products. Plants and animals are alsoessential in the maintenance of soil productivity, the degradation of waste, and in pest and flood control.

Fresh water – is essential for the maintenance of life on earth. It is vital for drinking, sanitation, industry, food production, urban developments, powergeneration, transportation inland fisheries and recreation. Adequate supplies of fresh water are available to satisfy projected worldwide demands into thetwenty-first century if the resource is efficiently used.

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OpenStax, Siyavula: life sciences grade 10. OpenStax CNX. Apr 11, 2012 Download for free at
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