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3.2 Creative writing  (Page 2/3)

  1. Which number would you phone first? Explain why.
  2. What kind of work does T. Noble do?

Four new names need to be added to the directory. Draw arrows on the directory page to show where each of the names below should go.

Mundy LP

Murphy FMW

Ncala JN

Newport A

  1. Write out these abbreviations in full: St. ; Rd ; Res .; Ave ; Cres .






Consult your local telephone directory.

  • What do you notice about the way place names are spelt? Spell Happyvale in this way.

Write down the brief telephone conversations (13 - 16) and then practise them with a partner.

Conversation with the DENTIST :

Conversation with the CHEMIST :

Conversation with a FLOWER SHOP

Conversation with MARK NIXON :

  • Now we need to find out if you can follow instructions and write accordingly.

Imagine you are on holiday in Happyvale. Write a postcard telling your family about your holiday. Make your own postcard by following these instructions:

  • Use a sheet of paper or card for your postcard.

Draw a rectangle with sides measuring 140 mm x 100 mm.

Divide the postcard in half from top to bottom by drawing a line 70 mm from the sides of the postcard.

Cut out your postcard.

  • Fill in the address of the person you are writing to on the right half of the postcard.

Write your news on the left half of the postcard. Remember that the space is limited – be brief, but be interesting .

  • Now draw another rectangle the same size and design the front of your postcard.

Make the design colourful and attractive. It should have something to do with Happyvale or your holiday so that it links up with what you are writing about.

Cut out this rectangle and paste it onto your first rectangle to complete your card.

SUGGESTION: make a class display of the colourful postcards

Now you need to find out how residents feel about living in Happyvale.The mayor of Happyvale conducted a survey to find out.

The results of the survey are as follows. Study it and then answer the questions that follow:

50% very happy

20% did not respond

15% very unhappy

15% fairly satisfied

  • Discuss the results in your groups.
  • Record your findings:

Next, the mayor conducted a survey to find out why visitors come to Happyvale. These are the results.

Reason for visiting Happyvale:

Water sports 52%

Rest and recreation 20%

Business 18%

Other (e.g. visiting relatives) 10%

  • Draw a column (bar) graph to show these findings.

You soon realize that visiting a town always involves being entertained.

Imagine that you have just spent an enjoyable week in Happyvale.

Now it is time to write FOUR necessary thank you letters.

[ NOTE : When talking or writing, the correct register must be used. The correct register means that one must use the style and tone that best fits the situation, bearing in mind whom one is addressing. When speaking or writing to a friend, one speaks or writes in a more casual, chatty tone. However, one should avoid slang and contractions.]

a . Write a letter to the friend you stayed with in Happyvale. Reminisce about what you did and the good time you had. Invite your friend to spend a holiday with you.

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OpenStax, English home language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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