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3.1 Research and report

English home language

Grade 6

Module 12

Research and report

What about the most photographed, popular woman of our time? Princess Diana.


  • Research and report. Use pictures in your presentation.

She became a showpiece for British fashion. She drew more crowds than any other member of the royal family. She

became even more popular when she supported Aids charities and was photographed hugging Aids sufferers.

P.S. ) What do Diana, Marilyn Monroe and Elton John have in common?

) What about Diana and Mother Theresa?

) What about our own PRINCE OF HEARTS – Madiba?

LO 3.8.2

What do you know about POP ART ? Yes, even ART has its fads and fashions. Did you know that comics are examples of POP ART? Find out more about this and then take a look at Spiderman as an example.

These are the names you need to search for:

  • Roy Lichtenstein
  • Piet Mondrian
  • Jackson Pollock

These are the styles you need to keep on eye out for:

  • primary colours
  • simple lines
  • onomatopoeia in comic style

What to do:

  • Illustrate a sound (onomatopoeia) in POP ART style and remember that COLOUR is vitally important.

PS. What about OP ART?

) Mary Quant and OP ART in fashion.

LO 4.1.3
LO 5.2.1

Do some research of your own. Here are some ideas for you.

  • VW Beatle
  • Harry Potter
  • Sport Personality
  • Popular tourist spots
  • Walt Disney
  • Find out what has lead to the POPULARITY of your chosen topic.
  • Report back to the class about your findings.

LO 2.1.5 LO 3.10

Sporting Heroes

Find out in which sport these heroes excelled or excel.

  1. Bjorn Borg:
  2. Mohammed Ali:
  3. Nadia Comaneci:
  4. Pelé:
  5. Penny Heyns:
  6. Hansie Cronje:
  • What made Nadia Comaneci unique in her sport?
  • What do Mohammed Ali and Michael J. Fox have in common?
LO 3.3

Write an Ode to your chosen POPULAR PERSON. Make it like a combination of an introduction at a special function and a eulogy.

LO 4.4.3

Within your groups, discuss some common school jargon and then dramatise a conversation using the jargon. Let’s see who’s the bomb!

LO 2.4.1
  • List examples of your jargon and supply the real meaning.
  • Do you have any idea what this popular ending to a letter meant?


  • Now write some typical SMS cryptic messages (e.g. ICQ = I seek you)
LO 4.1.1
  • Now consider the following common jargon and supply the real meaning for each.


at this point in time


Learning Outcomes(LOs)
LO 2
SPEAKING The learner will be able to communicate effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.
Assessment Standards(ASs)
We know this when the learner:
2.1 communicates experiences, more complex ideas and information in more challenging contexts, for different audiences and purposes:
2.1.2 uses language for creative and imaginative self-expression (e.g. poems, response to music);
2.1.3 shares ideas and offers opinions on challenging topics in a local, coherent and structured way (e.g. poster presentations, reports, debates);
2.1.4 asks and responds to challenging questions;
2.1.5 develops factual and reasonable arguments to justify opinions;
2.2 applies interaction skills in group situations:
2.2.4 uses diplomatic language in potential conflict situations;
2.4 uses appropriate language for different purposes and audiences:
2.4.1 uses appropriate register in unfamiliar and more challenging situations and shows an awareness of different audiences.
LO 3
READING AND VIEWING The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and to respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.
We know this when the learner:
3.2 views and discusses various visual and multimedia texts (e.g. photographs, television advertisements, dramas and documentaries, Internet and CD-ROMs where available):
3.2.1 interprets and discusses message;
3.3 explains interpretation and overall response to text, giving reasons based on the text or own experience;
3.8 understands and uses information texts appropriately:
3.8.1 summarises main and supporting ideas;
3.8.2 selects and records relevant information appropriately;
3.10 selects relevant texts for personal and information needs from a wide variety of sources such as in the local community and via electronic media (where available).
LO 4
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes different kinds of texts for different purposes and audiences:
4.1.1 writes for personal, exploratory, playful, imaginative and creative purposes (e.g. journals, poems, myths, dialogues, argumentative essays);
4.1.2 writes informational texts expressing ideas clearly and logically for different audiences (e.g. research report, letter to the newspaper, technical instructions);
4.1.3 writes and designs visual texts clearly and creatively using language, sound effects, graphics and design for different audiences (e.g. CD and book covers, advertisement for television or radio, newsletter with photographs);
4.3 presents work with attention to neatness and enhanced presentation (e.g. cover, content page, layout, and appropriate illustrations or graphics);
4.4 applies knowledge of language at various levels:
4.4.1 word level;4.4.3 paragraph level.
LO 5
THINKING AND REASONING The learner will able to use language to think and reason, and access, process and use information for learning.
We know this when the learner:
5.1 uses language to think and reason:
5.1.3 develops a balanced argument on relevant and challenging issues;
5.2 uses language to investigate and explore:
5.2.1 asks critical questions that challenge and seek alternative explanations;
5.3 processes information:
5.3.2 compares and contrasts information and ideas and indicates the basis for the comparison;
5.3.6 changes format of information (e.g. from tables into written form, tables to graphs).


  • Famous “idols”
  • Compassionate / did much to alleviate suffering
  • Famous and beloved statesman

1. Tennis

2. Boxing

3. Gymnastics

4. Soccer

5. Swimming

6. Cricket

  • She was extremely young when she became the world champion.
  • Both have Parkinson’s disease.
  • ITALY = I Trust And Love You
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Read also:

OpenStax, English home language grade 6. OpenStax CNX. Sep 07, 2009 Download for free at
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