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2.2 Inventions  (Page 2/2)

Now see if you can fill in the inventions described below on the time-line provided:

  • In 1897 the Kellogg brothers made the first cornflakes. That was ten years after Daimler had made the first car.
  • The motorcar was invented six years before the motorcycle.
  • The zip fastener was invented two years after the motorcycle.
  • The first domestic fridge was made two years after Birdseye thought of frozen foods, in 1920.
  • The first atom bomb was dropped in 1945. It was dropped forty two years after the Wright brothers flew the first plane.
  • Nylon was invented ten years after penicillin.
  • The first electric vacuum cleaner was made five years after the first plane was flown and two years after instant coffee was invented.


LO 5.3.3

Inventions bring changes in people’s lives. Not everyone is affected by every invention and not every invention is to the benefit of mankind.

Classify each of the inventions listed below by putting a tick where you think it fits best. Then answer the questions below the table.

INVENTIONS Used by you Gives pleasure Useful at home Saves work Saves lives Can kill
Cats’ eyes
Gun powder
Stainless steel
Vacuum cleaner
LO 5.3.2
  1. Which invention do you think has killed most people?
  2. Which invention do you think the world would be better without?
  3. Which invention has brought the most changes in people’s lives?

Now how about an invention I am sure you LOVE and your school forbids you to use on school premises?

CLUES: 2 words. 1st word starts on C. 2nd word ends on M.

LO 5.1.1


Learning Outcomes(LOs)
LO 1
LISTENINGThe learner will be able to listen for information and enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.
Assessment Standards(ASs)
We know this when the learner:
1.1 listens to and appreciates expressive, imaginative and narrative texts (e.g. ballads songs, short stories, folktales);
1.2 listens actively and carefully for specific information and main ideas, and responds appropriately for example:
1.2.1 takes notes, summarises and passes on information accurately;
1.3 recognises how familiar oral texts are organised and describes some characteristic features (e.g. weather reports, directions, jokes, songs), this will include recognising tools used for humour, such as pausing and simple punch lines, and identifying the use of sound effects in different audio-visual texts.
LO 2
SPEAKINGThe learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.
We know this when the learner:
2.2 communicates ideas, facts and opinions clearly and with some accuracy and coherence, using a limited range of factual oral text types (e.g. discussions, short arguments);
2.4 demonstrates basic interaction skills by participating actively in group discussions, conversations, interviews and debates.
2.4.2 takes on different roles;
2.4.3 acknowledges other opinions;
2.4.6 bridges gaps by asking questions, giving choices, keeping responses open-ended and showing genuine interest.
LO 3
READING AND VIEWINGThe learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.
We know this when the learner:
3.4 shows understanding of information texts;
3.4.1 identifies main ideas and explains how details support the main idea;
3.7 identifies and sicusses techniques used to create particular effects in selected visual, written and multimedia texts such as:
3.7.1 simple literary devices and use of language (e.g. word play, register).
LO 4
WRITINGThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes a selected range of imaginative texts:
4.1.1 to express imagination, ideas and feelings about self and others;
4.1.2 to explore the creative and playful use of language by means of narrative and descriptive compositions, diaries, friendly letters, dialogues, poems, cartoons, limericks and songs;
4.3 demonstrates basic skills in selected features of writing appropriate to the text type (e.g. uses straightforward language in simple descriptions).
We know this when the learner:
5.1 uses language to think and reason:
5.1.1 infers and deduces meaning and explains the intentions of the author by interpreting written, visual and aural texts across the curriculum;
5.1.4 expresses and develops a clear personal viewpoint;
5.3 processes information:
5.3.1 records information in an accessible format (e.g. lists, mind maps, notes, summaries);
5.3.2 organises information appropriately (e.g. by time, importance);
5.3.3 changes information from one format (or language if necessary) into another (e.g. mind map into paragraph, list into summary);
LO 6
LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND USEThe learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.
We know this when the learner:
6.1 works with words:
6.1.3 uses the dictionary and thesaurus o increase vocabulary and improve spelling;
6.2 works with sentences:
6.2.1 identifies and uses nouns, verbs, modals, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.
6.4 develops awareness and use of style:
6.4.3 uses idioms and idiomatic expressions of the language appropriately.



1. Necessity

2. will

3. succeed

1. leather

2. honey

3. clock

4. glass

5. button

INVENTIONS Used by you Gives pleasure Useful at home Saves work Saves lives Can kill
Cats’ eyes
Gun powder
Stainless steel
Vacuum cleaner

1. Gun powder

2. Cigarettes

3. Wheel

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OpenStax, English home language grade 7. OpenStax CNX. Sep 09, 2009 Download for free at
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