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1.2 Comprehension tests  (Page 2/2)

Be neat and accurate! NB Express your opinion correctly.

Write your answers in the space provided below. Answer the questions which follow. Support your opinion with sound reasons.

A dog needs . . .

2 bowls (one for water/one for food);

a bed (a clean box will do);

a lead and collar (with its name/address on it);

brush and comb;

a fenced yard;

a toy (old ball, stick or bone will do).

How many of the items mentioned above does your dog have? List the items neatly.

Why are each of these items important? Give your reasons.

What else would you like to add to this list? Why?

Activity 4:

Personal letter

It is time to write a personal letter expressing how you feel animals are treated!

Do a rough draft first and then write out the letter neatly – edited!

  • Some planned ideas for the letter and some ideas for figurative language use:(Also consider what punctuation to use in the letter to make it interesting!)


  • Your address and date
  • Dear (Against the margin)
  • 1st paragraph
  • 2nd paragraph
  • 3rd paragraph
  • Closing paragraph
  • Ending and name

Yours sincerely Look at the assessment chart first before you write the letter in neat . You may pick up some valuable tips.

Please check your spelling (use a dictionary), punctuation and whether your sentences are complete.

Also have a good look at the concord (Singular subject take singular verbs; plural subjects take plural verbs).

Letter Assessment   
Format Absolutely correct Almost correct Too many mistakes Very poorly done
Message clarity Very clear and meaningful Quite clear; fairly meaningful Not really clear enough; meaning­fulness blurred Unclear and meaningless
Punctuation Excellent. Contributes to message Quite good. Contributes a bit to the message Punctuation erratic; interferes with message Very poor; obscures meaning
Sentences All full and correct Most are full and correct Some not complete and incorrect Mistakes inte­rfere with enjoyment
Figurative language Very imaginative. Contributes to message Quite imaginative. Contributes slightly Too few. Links not clear. Very unimaginative
Spelling Excellent Quite good Too many mistakes Very careless
Neatness Excellent Quite good Rather obscured Very untidy


LO 4
WritingThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes to communicate information: 4.1.3 uses information from a survey to write a report;
4.2 writes for social purposes:4.2.1 writes personal letters (e.g. politely refusing an invitation), showing awareness of the text type, of purpose, audience and context, and of register/style;
LO 5
Thinking and ReasoningThe learner will be able to use language to think and reason, as well as to access, process and use information for learning.
We know this when the learner:
5.2 uses language for thinking: 5.2.1 asks and answers more complex questions (e.g. ‘When this is changed, then what else would change?’);
5.2.3 uses language for thinking: understands and uses evidence to support a theory or argument (e.g. a photograph, objects from the past, an interview with a witness);
5.3 collects and records information in different ways:5.3.1 selects relevant material and takes notes (organises points under headings; abbreviates words).



Reading with understanding is something they must practise. They must try to grasp the content, but must also try to understand the questions and how to answer them. Go over the three listed most important hints, BEFORE doing the answers. When they have answered the questions, they must  the CHECKLIST. Study the checklist with them.

Now they must write down the answers to the following questions based on THEY CALL HIM LUCKY!

What is General him Vanda’s hobby? He collects rare and endangered animals .

What is his profession? He is a military leader .

Write down TWO reasons why there are so few Asian elephants left in Cambodia. They have been sent to private zoos all over the world or been illegally hunted .

How do the children help the zoo? Name TWO ways. They clean the animal enclosures and raise money to improve the facility .

Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? Give a reason for your answer

The children work at the zoo to earn pocket money. False: The children work voluntarily.

Find a single word in paragraph 1 which means:

(a) strange or unusual rare

(b) against the law illegal

(c) rich wealthy

Find a single word in paragraph 2 which means “a place of safety”: sanctuary’ (note inverted commas because they are quoting!)

What is a “poacher”? (par. 3): A person who hunts illegally is a poacher .


Read the full introduction to the class and have a brief discussion about its content .

Go over ‘Cleaning a goldfish bowl’ .

Examine the assessment with them to ensure they do the summary correctly.

Does your dog have a good master? Read the introduction to the class and go over the assessment BEFORE they do their answers.


Explain about preparing the letter and the rough draft, the correct format, as given; the use of figurative language and interesting punctuation. Make sure the work is edited.

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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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