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1.1 Exercises  (Page 2/8)

Amount = P*(1 + R)^N

where R is the interest rate as a decimal number (e.g., 6.5% is 0.065). Write and run a program that performs the following steps:

  • Reading the values of P and R from the keyboard.
  • Calculating the amount of money that will be available in 5 years.
  • Displaying the result.

6. Write and run a program that reads the name, age, sex, height and weight of a student and displays with proper heading for each variable.

7. Write a program to accept a single character from the keyboard. Using cout statement to display the character or keystroke and its decimal, hexadecimal and octal values. Display in the following format:

Exercise 4

1. Write and run a program that reads a character and writes out a name corresponding to the character:

if the character is ‘F’ or ‘f’ then the name is ‘Frank’

if the character is ‘C’ or ‘c’ then the name is ‘Christine’

if the character is ‘A’ or ‘a’ then the name is ‘Amanda’

if the character is ‘B’ or ‘b’ then the name is ‘Bernard’

otherwise, the name is just the character.

2. Write and run a program that reads an angle (expressed in degrees) and states in which quadrant the given angle lies. An angle A is said to be in the

  • first quadrant if it is in the range 0<= A<90
  • second quadrant if it is in the range 90<= A<180
  • third quadrant if it is in the range 180<= A<270
  • and fourth quadrant if it is in the range 270<= A<360.

3. Write and run a program that reads a month from the user and displays the number of days in that month.

4. Write and run a program that reads a numeric grade from a student and displays a corresponding character grade for that numeric grade. The program prints ‘A’ for exam grades greater than or equal to 90, ‘B’ for grades in the range 80 to 89, ‘C’ for grades in the range 70 to 79, ‘D’ for grades in the range 60 to 69 and ‘F’ for all other grades.

5. Write and run a program that reads a marriage code (one character) and writes out a message corresponding to the character:

if the character is ‘M’ or ‘m’ then the message is “Individual is married”

if the character is ‘D’ or ‘d’ then the message is “Individual is divorced”

if the character is ‘W’ or ‘w’ then the message is “Individual is widowed”

otherwise, the message is “An invalid code was entered”.

(Hint: use switch statement).

6. Chapter 4 contains the example program which can solve quadratic equations. Modify that program so that when the discriminant del is negative, the imaginary roots are calculated and displayed. For this case, the two roots of the equation are:

x1 = (-b)/(2a) + sqrt(-del)/(2a)i

x2 = (-b)/(2a) + sqrt(-del)/(2a)i

where i is the imaginary number symbol for the square root of –1. (Hint: Calculate the real and imaginary parts of each root separately).

7. Write and run a program that gives the user only three choices: convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, or quit. If the third choice is selected, the program stops. If one of the first two choices is selected, the program should prompt the user for either a Fahrenheit or Celsius temperature, as appropriate, and then compute and display a corresponding temperature. Use the conversion formulas:

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Read also:

OpenStax, Programming fundamentals in c++. OpenStax CNX. Jul 29, 2009 Download for free at
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