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To read texts and write creatively

Next to each word you have chosen, write down the item ( noun ) which the adjective describes.

Paragraph Two

4. From the story write down the words which describe Sara’s character.

5. Now use your own words to describe Sara’s character (personality).

6. Using the names and words given in the frame below, draw a family tree for Shamila (also known as Mila). Mila is the point of departure( the person to start with) for the family tree.

Paragraph 3

7. What do you imagine were the “menial jobs” Mila had to do? Name at least two.

8. Why did Mila have to do these jobs? Explain in your own words.

9. How did Sara ensure that Mila did her chores? Mention TWO different ways.

Paragraph 4

10. Quote two words which indicate that Mila was not really supposed to go to the dunes.

11. Why would Spot “cock” his ears (line 17)?

12. How do we know that Mila treasured the book? Give TWO reasons.

Paragraph 5

13. In which way were the lives of Sara and Gram (a) similar and (b) different?

(a) _________________

  1. Sara _____________
  2. but Gram _________

Activity 2:

  • To write creatively
  • To treat writing as a process

[lo 4.4, 4.6]

In the following activity you will attempt to use all your senses when you write.

“There is just something in here . . . I can’t say exactly what, but it gives the strangest bitter-sweet sensation on the tongue.”

The person who said this about Gram’s curry has used his sense of TASTE to describe his experience.

We have ____________ different senses to assist us in observing and interacting appropriately in our environment.

  • They are the senses of taste, sight, touch, smell.

You will now investigate your sense of SMELL.

Your educator will provide the items and rules for the game. See which group is the best!

Now use your sense of TASTE, SIGHT, TOUCH and SMELL. Describe clearly how your different senses experience the following. Use an appropriate descriptive word/phrase or sentence.

Taste Sight Touch Smell
Curry Powder

TIP! TIP!Use ALL your senses when you write and you will develop into a talented writer.

Continue writing descriptively by using your five senses.

  • In the story Mila’s Magic , the writer refers to winter more than once. See if you can find the places referred to and write them down.
  • Which are the coldest months in your city, town or village?
  • Which memories of sights, sounds, smells, feelings and tastes do you associate with winter? Write down a few suggestions which were made during the class discussion.

Now do the following written assignment:


  • Describe a typical winter’s day in your home town in not more than 100 – 150 words.

TIP!!! TIP !!!Try to use all the information and skills you have acquired up to now. Use descriptive words. Make your writing personal and different, colourful and vivid, picturesque and striking.


  • Follow the CHECK LIST to do this assignment well.

Title: ____________________________________________

Step One : Planning

Write down a few sentences about winter by describing what each of your senses experience.

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OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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