American Politics Midterm

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American Politics Midterm
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82 Pages
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Sample Questions from the American Politics Midterm Test

Question: What important power did the national government lack under the Articles of Confederation?


It could not coin money

It could not declare war

It could not impose taxes

It could not conduct foreign affairs

Question: What goods are available to all without direct payment?


private goods

public goods

common goods

toll goods

Question: Which of the following is a good example of a tradeoff?


a. The government pleases environmental activists by preserving public lands but also pleases ranchers by allowing them to rent public lands for grazing purposes.

b. The government pleases environmental activists by reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park but angers ranchers by placing their cattle in danger.

c. The government pleases oil companies by allowing them to drill on lands set aside for conservation but allows environmental activist groups to protest the drilling operations.

d. Groups that represent a variety of conflicting interests are all allowed to protest outside Congress and the White House.

Question: According to the Great Compromise, how would representation in Congress be apportioned?


Each state would have equal representation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate

Congress would be a unicameral legislature with each state receiving equal representation.

Representation in the House of Representatives would be based on each state’s population and every state would have two senators.

Representation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate would be based on a state’s population.

Question: When a person is asked a question about a political issue that he or she has little interest in and has not thought much about, that person’s answer will likely reflect


a. Ideology

b. partisanship

c. intense preferences

d. latent preferences

Question: British colonists in North America in the late seventeenth century were greatly influenced by the political thought of


King James II

Thomas Jefferson

John Locke

James Madison

Question: According to the pluralist theory of government,


the government does what the majority of voters want it to do

government policy is formed as a result of the competition between groups with different goals and interests

ordinary people acting on their own have a significant influence on government

wealthy people decide what government policy will be, and politicians have no interest in pleasing anyone else

Question: In which form of government does a small group of elite people hold political power?


direct democracy




Question: The agreement that citizens will consent to be governed so long as government protects their natural rights is called


the divine right of kings

the social contract

a bill of rights

due process

Question: The elite theory of government maintains that


special interest groups make government policy

politicians who have held office for a long time are favored by voters

poor people and people of color should not be allowed to vote

wealthy, politically powerful people control the government, and the government has no interest in meeting the needs of ordinary people

Question: Supporting the actions of the Democratic Party simply because one identifies oneself as a member of that party is an example of


a. Partisanship

b. ideology

c. latent preference

d. social capital

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