Question 1 / 43:  You know the following facts:

a) the Boston Celtics have just won the 1989 NBA championships with the LA Lakers.

Both Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, wearing Converse basketball shoes, have played

magnificently. As a result, millions of young boys and girls wish to emulate them in

every particular.

b) Converse announces major labor strikes by 50% of their employees.

What is the effect on Price and Quantity exchanged in the market for Converse

basketball shoes?

A  price would increase and quantity exchanged would decrease.
B  price and quantity exchanged would both decrease.
C  price would increase and quantity exchanged would be indeterminate.
D  price would be indeterminate and quantity exchanged would not change.
E  there is not enough information to determine either price or quantity.
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Attribution:  Levy, Frank. 11.203 Microeconomics, Fall 2010. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 13 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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