Question 26 / 26: 

Essay. Choose 1, worth 30 points.

You don't have to answer the questions inside the question one by one, and, if you plan it well, in answering one, you may answer another.

So, write an integrative essay to answer one of the following questions.

There are no length requirements; however, be sure to completely answer the question and use specific examples!

What are some strategies that we use to maintain our own (and others') conceptions of who we are.

Use at least two readings and class lecture to answer these questions, drawing specific examples from class videos (e.g. socialization commercials, "A Girl Like Me," Sex in the City).

According sociologists, how is it that we acquire a self? What is the role of others in this process? How does socialization fit in? What is the role of identity?
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Understanding Societies SOC 10002 Exam #1

Access: Public Peer Review

Attribution:  Collett, Jessica. SOC 10002 - Understanding Societies, Spring 2009. (University of Notre Dame), (Accessed 22 Apr, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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