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Suppose a body has a force of 3 pounds acting on it to the left, 4 pounds acting on it upward, and 2 pounds acting on it 30° from the horizontal. What single force is needed to produce a state of equilibrium on the body? Draw the vector.

5.1583 pounds, 75.8° from the horizontal

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Chapter review exercises

Non-right Triangles: Law of Sines

For the following exercises, assume α is opposite side a , β is opposite side b , and γ is opposite side c . Solve each triangle, if possible. Round each answer to the nearest tenth.

β = 50° , a = 105 , b = 45

Not possible

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α = 43.1° , a = 184.2 , b = 242.8

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Solve the triangle.

Triangle with standard labels. Angle A is 36 degrees with opposite side a unknown. Angle B is 24 degrees with opposite side b = 16. Angle C and side c are unknown.

C = 120° , a = 23.1 , c = 34.1

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Find the area of the triangle.

A triangle. One angle is 75 degrees with opposite side unknown. The adjacent sides to the 75 degree angle are 8 and 11.
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A pilot is flying over a straight highway. He determines the angles of depression to two mileposts, 2.1 km apart, to be 25° and 49°, as shown in [link] . Find the distance of the plane from point A and the elevation of the plane.

Diagram of a plane flying over a highway. It is to the left and above points A and B on the ground in that order. There is a horizontal line going through the plan parallel to the ground. The angle formed by the horizontal line, the plane, and the line from the plane to point B is 25 degrees. The angle formed by the horizontal line, the plane, and point A is 49 degrees.

distance of the plane from point A : 2.2 km, elevation of the plane: 1.6 km

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Non-right Triangles: Law of Cosines

Solve the triangle, rounding to the nearest tenth, assuming α is opposite side a , β is opposite side b , and γ s opposite side c : a = 4 ,   b = 6 , c = 8.

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Solve the triangle in [link] , rounding to the nearest tenth.

A standardly labeled triangle. Angle A is 54 degrees with opposite side a unknown. Angle B is unknown with opposite side b=15. Angle C is unknown with opposite side C=13.

B = 71.0° , C = 55.0° , a = 12.8

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Find the area of a triangle with sides of length 8.3, 6.6, and 9.1.

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To find the distance between two cities, a satellite calculates the distances and angle shown in [link] (not to scale). Find the distance between the cities. Round answers to the nearest tenth.

Diagram of a satellite above and to the right of two cities. The distance from the satellite to the closer city is 210 km. The distance from the satellite to the further city is 250 km. The angle formed by the closer city, the satellite, and the other city is 1.8 degrees.

40.6 km

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Polar Coordinates

Plot the point with polar coordinates ( 3 , π 6 ) .

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Plot the point with polar coordinates ( 5 , 2 π 3 )

Polar coordinate grid with a point plotted on the fifth concentric circle 2/3 the way between pi and 3pi/2 (closer to 3pi/2).

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Convert ( 6 , 3 π 4 ) to rectangular coordinates.

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Convert ( 2 , 3 π 2 ) to rectangular coordinates.

( 0 , 2 )

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Convert ( 7 , 2 ) to polar coordinates.

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Convert ( 9 , 4 ) to polar coordinates.

( 9.8489 , 203.96° )

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For the following exercises, convert the given Cartesian equation to a polar equation.

For the following exercises, convert the given polar equation to a Cartesian equation.

r = 7 cos θ

x 2 + y 2 = 7 x

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r = 2 4 cos θ + sin θ

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For the following exercises, convert to rectangular form and graph.

Polar Coordinates: Graphs

For the following exercises, test each equation for symmetry.

r = 4 + 4 sin θ

symmetric with respect to the line θ = π 2

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Sketch a graph of the polar equation r = 1 5 sin θ . Label the axis intercepts.

Graph of the given polar equation - an inner loop limaçon.

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Sketch a graph of the polar equation r = 5 sin ( 7 θ ) .

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Sketch a graph of the polar equation r = 3 3 cos θ

Graph of the given polar equation - a cardioid.

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Polar Form of Complex Numbers

For the following exercises, find the absolute value of each complex number.

Write the complex number in polar form.

1 2 3 2 i

cis ( π 3 )

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For the following exercises, convert the complex number from polar to rectangular form.

z = 3 cis ( 40° )

2.3 + 1.9 i

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For the following exercises, find the product z 1 z 2 in polar form.

z 1 = 2 cis ( 89° )

z 2 = 5 cis ( 23° )

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z 1 = 10 cis ( π 6 )

z 2 = 6 cis ( π 3 )

60 cis ( π 2 )

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For the following exercises, find the quotient z 1 z 2 in polar form.

z 1 = 12 cis ( 55° )

z 2 = 3 cis ( 18° )

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z 1 = 27 cis ( 5 π 3 )

z 2 = 9 cis ( π 3 )

3 cis ( 4 π 3 )

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For the following exercises, find the powers of each complex number in polar form.

Find z 4 when z = 2 cis ( 70° )

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Find z 2 when z = 5 cis ( 3 π 4 )

25 cis ( 3 π 2 )

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Questions & Answers

discuss how the following factors such as predation risk, competition and habitat structure influence animal's foraging behavior in essay form
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location of cervical vertebra
What are acid
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define biology infour way
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What are types of cell
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how can I get this book
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what is lump
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what is cell
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what is biology
what's cornea?
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what are cell
Explain the following terms . (1) Abiotic factors in an ecosystem
Nomai Reply
Abiotic factors are non living components of ecosystem.These include physical and chemical elements like temperature,light,water,soil,air quality and oxygen etc
Define the term Abiotic
what is biology
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what is diffusion
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passive process of transport of low-molecular weight material according to its concentration gradient
what is production?
Pathogens and diseases
how did the oxygen help a human being
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how did the nutrition help the plants
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Source:  OpenStax, Precalculus. OpenStax CNX. Jan 19, 2016 Download for free at https://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11667/1.6
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