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Cannon Crewmember

United States Army

Cannon Crewmember Job Overview: Elevate your career in the Army as a Cannon Crewmember with a technology and mathematics focus, combining technical expertise with Army precision. This specialized role is ideal for individuals with a passion for advanced weaponry. We are offering a unique opportunity...

Combat Engineer

United States Army

Combat Engineer Job Overview: Build it up and knock it down. As a combat engineer, you become an expert in obstacle construction, explosives, and demolitions. You will play a critical role in enabling your team s success by safely ensuring quick movement and protecting against hazards. Available...

Foreign Language Specialist

United States Army

Foreign Language Specialist Job Overview: Do you possess a flair for languages and enjoy coastal living? Join us as a Foreign Language Specialist at the Defense Language Institute in the picturesque Monterey, CA. In this role, you will master your chosen language and immerse yourself in its...

Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator and Maintainer ATL Name Patriot System Operator

United States Army

Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator and Maintainer ATL Name Patriot System Operator Job Overview: As a Patriot System Operator, you will play a key role in the operation and maintenance of the world s most advanced fire control systems, ensuring their optimal functionality. Your position focuses...

Combat Engineer

United States Army

Combat Engineer Job Overview: Build it up and knock it down. As a combat engineer, you become an expert in obstacle construction, explosives, and demolitions. You will play a critical role in enabling your team s success by safely ensuring quick movement and protecting against hazards. Available...