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Family Nurse Practitioner

Proactive MD

People are a company's greatest resource, which is why caring for employees and keeping them healthy is so important. Proactive MD offers a comprehensive health management solution that extends well beyond the clinic walls. Access to on-site physicians, full direct primary care services, and...

Administrative Assistant

Proactive MD

People are a company's greatest resource, which is why caring for employees and keeping them healthy is so important. Proactive MD offers a comprehensive health management solution that extends well beyond the clinic walls. Access to on-site physicians, full direct primary care services, and...

Registered Nurse PRN

Proactive MD

Proactive MD partners withcompanies to provide their people with employer-sponsored onsite wellness centers, decreasing costs and making their healthcare benefits more efficient. We providebroad-scope Advanced Primary Care by building relationships with our patience and practicing medicine the way...

Patient Advocate / Social Worker

Proactive MD

Proactive MD partners withcompanies to provide their people with employer-sponsored onsite wellness centers, decreasing costs and making their healthcare benefits more efficient. We providebroad-scope Advanced Primary Care by building relationships with our patience and practicing medicine the way...