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Apply In 3 Minutes 25u Signal Support Systems Specialist

Army National Guard

Communication is the pulse of Army National Guard units, and it's up to the Signal Support Systems Specialist to ensure the information keeps flowing so the military doesn't miss a beat. Signal Support Systems Specialists are responsible for integrating signal systems and networks; • performing...

91S Stryker Systems Maintainer

Army National Guard

Stryker Vehicles are fast, highly-mobile combat vehicles used by the military to triumph on the battlefield. As a Stryker Systems Maintainer for the Army National Guard, you will be responsible for keeping the Stryker systems functioning to ensure the success of each and every mission. • In this...

12B Combat Engineer - Construction and Engineering Specialist

Army National Guard

• Combat Engineers are essential to mission success by assisting their fellow Soldiers in tackling unpredictable environments. As a member of an Army National Guard Combat Engineer team, you'll designand build bridges, roadways, secure perimeters, and tactical firing systems, as well as detect...

Chemical Defense Specialist

Army National Guard

The Army National Guard is looking for a Chemical Defense Specialist to assist in natural disaster relief efforts and protect the country from chemical and biological warfare. As a Chemical Defense Specialist, you will be trained to expertly handle nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) detection...