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91A M1 ABRAMS Tank System Maintainer

Army National Guard

The M1 Abrams Tank is the backbone of the armored forces. • With the ability to engage enemies anytime, anywhere, it takes a highly detailed and skilled individual to ensure these vehicles keep pushing forward. • As the M1 Abrams Tank System Maintainer in the Army National Guard, you will...

91S Stryker Systems Maintainer

Army National Guard

Stryker Vehicles are fast, highly-mobile combat vehicles used by the military to triumph on the battlefield. As a Stryker Systems Maintainer for the Army National Guard, you will be responsible for keeping the Stryker systems functioning to ensure the success of each and every mission. • In this...

74D Chemical Operations Specialist

Army National Guard

• Join the frontlines to protect against some of the world's most powerful threats. As a Chemical Operations Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will support the country during natural disaster relief efforts and safeguard the nation from chemical and biological warfare. • To...

Chemical Defense Specialist

Army National Guard

The Army National Guard is looking for a Chemical Defense Specialist to assist in natural disaster relief efforts and protect the country from chemical and biological warfare. As a Chemical Defense Specialist, you will be trained to expertly handle nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) detection...