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Apply In 3 Minutes 25u Signal Support Systems Specialist

Army National Guard

Communication is the pulse of Army National Guard units, and it's up to the Signal Support Systems Specialist to ensure the information keeps flowing so the military doesn't miss a beat. Signal Support Systems Specialists are responsible for integrating signal systems and networks; • performing...

Chemical Defense Specialist

Army National Guard

The Army National Guard is looking for a Chemical Defense Specialist to assist in natural disaster relief efforts and protect the country from chemical and biological warfare. As a Chemical Defense Specialist, you will be trained to expertly handle nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) detection...

94P Multiple Launch Rocket System Repairer

Army National Guard

The Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) is a combat-proven surface-to-surface launcher that can fire up to 12 rockets in fewer than 60 seconds. Since the MLRS is an automated system, it s up to the MLRS Repairer to keep these systems battle-ready for the Army National Guard. These systems include...

92G Food Service Specialist

Army National Guard

It takes energy to keep the Army National Guard marching on, and thats where you take the lead. As a Food Service Specialist for the Guard, its your duty to provide the sustenance your fellow Soldiers need to put their best foot forward and protect the nation. • In this role, you willtake care of...

91J Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer

Army National Guard

The Army National Guard uses a wide range of systems that help protect and serve the force, and as a Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer, you ll be in charge of making sure those systems keep running at peak performance. • As a Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer, you will...