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We are currently seeking a dynamic Office Administrator to join our rapidly expanding team, contributing to the meticulous planning, structuring, organization, and monitoring of various activities within our medical office environment.
This pivotal role serves as the central hub where organizational prowess is essential, supporting all departments in achieving seamless operations.
The ideal candidate should possess strong leadership qualities, exceptional organizational and time management skills, and excel in communication.
Considering our ongoing growth and development, we are specifically looking for individuals eager to progress and take on leadership roles within the medical office setting.
Adaptability is key, and we value candidates who are open to learning new systems, receiving constructive feedback, and evolving with us as we continue to thrive in the healthcare industry.

Key Responsibilities :

Collaborate closely with the Chief Operating Officer to foster a team environment that yields high-performance results in a medical office context.
Oversee and monitor tasks of the staff in our medical office including remote staff, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and standards.
Responsible for effectively monitoring remote staff to ensure seamless coordination and collaboration within our medical office environment.
Track time and expenses efficiently, adhering to medical billing and coding procedures.
Coordinate internal and external medical meetings, demonstrating knowledge of medical terminology and procedures.
Learn, adhere to, and enhance existing medical office processes and procedures.
Maintain a professional and patient-friendly physical office space, ensuring a sterile and organized environment.
Actively re-prioritize multiple tasks and projects to ensure timely execution in a medical setting.
Qualifications & Skills:

Proficiency in computer usage, including specialized medical office software and Microsoft Office 365 products.
Exceptional written and verbal communication skills with an understanding of medical terminology.
Strong time management and organizational abilities, including knowledge of medical scheduling practices.
Dependability and a collaborative team spirit, essential in a medical office team environment.
Effective decision-making and problem-solving skills, with an understanding of medical compliance and ethics.
Collaboration with the Office Manager/General Manager to create a high-performance team environment in a medical office.
A commitment to maintaining a well-groomed, professional appearance suitable for a medical setting.

Read the full job description and apply online on the recuiter's web-site

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Office Administrator

Villegas MD

We are currently seeking a dynamic Office Administrator to join our rapidly expanding team, contributing to the meticulous planning, structuring, organization, and monitoring of various activities within our medical office environment. • This pivotal role serves as the central hub where...