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Predict the electron pair geometry and the molecular structure of each of the following:

(a) IOF 5 (I is the central atom)

(b) POCl 3 (P is the central atom)

(c) Cl 2 SeO (Se is the central atom)

(d) ClSO + (S is the central atom)

(e) F 2 SO (S is the central atom)

(f) NO 2

(g) SiO 4 4−

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Which of the following molecules and ions contain polar bonds? Which of these molecules and ions have dipole moments?

(a) ClF 5

(b) ClO 2

(c) TeCl 4 2−

(d) PCl 3

(e) SeF 4

(f) PH 2

(g) XeF 2

All of these molecules and ions contain polar bonds. Only ClF 5 , ClO 2 , PCl 3 , SeF 4 , and PH 2 have dipole moments.

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Which of these molecules and ions contain polar bonds? Which of these molecules and ions have dipole moments?

(a) H 3 O +

(b) PCl 4

(c) SnCl 3

(d) BrCl 4

(e) ICl 3

(f) XeF 4

(g) SF 2

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Which of the following molecules have dipole moments?

(a) CS 2

(b) SeS 2

(c) CCl 2 F 2

(d) PCl 3 (P is the central atom)

(e) ClNO (N is the central atom)

SeS 2 , CCl 2 F 2 , PCl 3 , and ClNO all have dipole moments.

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Identify the molecules with a dipole moment:

(a) SF 4

(b) CF 4

(c) Cl 2 CCBr 2

(d) CH 3 Cl

(e) H 2 CO

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The molecule XF 3 has a dipole moment. Is X boron or phosphorus?


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The molecule XCl 2 has a dipole moment. Is X beryllium or sulfur?

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Is the Cl 2 BBCl 2 molecule polar or nonpolar?


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There are three possible structures for PCl 2 F 3 with phosphorus as the central atom. Draw them and discuss how measurements of dipole moments could help distinguish among them.

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Describe the molecular structure around the indicated atom or atoms:

(a) the sulfur atom in sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4 [(HO) 2 SO 2 ]

(b) the chlorine atom in chloric acid, HClO 3 [HOClO 2 ]

(c) the oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide, HOOH

(d) the nitrogen atom in nitric acid, HNO 3 [HONO 2 ]

(e) the oxygen atom in the OH group in nitric acid, HNO 3 [HONO 2 ]

(f) the central oxygen atom in the ozone molecule, O 3

(g) each of the carbon atoms in propyne, CH 3 CCH

(h) the carbon atom in Freon, CCl 2 F 2

(i) each of the carbon atoms in allene, H 2 CCCH 2

(a) tetrahedral; (b) trigonal pyramidal; (c) bent (109°); (d) trigonal planar; (e) bent (109°); (f) bent (109°); (g) C H 3 CCH tetrahedral, CH 3 CC H linear; (h) tetrahedral; (i) H 2 C C CH 2 linear; H 2 C C C H 2 trigonal planar

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Draw the Lewis structures and predict the shape of each compound or ion:

(a) CO 2

(b) NO 2

(c) SO 3

(d) SO 3 2−

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A molecule with the formula AB 2 , in which A and B represent different atoms, could have one of three different shapes. Sketch and name the three different shapes that this molecule might have. Give an example of a molecule or ion for each shape.

Three Lewis diagrams are shown. The first diagram shows the letter A single bonded to the left and right to the letter B. An example, “C O subscript 2,” and the term, “linear,” are written beside this diagram. The second diagram shows the letter A with two lone pairs of electrons, single bonded to the left and lower right to the letter B. An example, “H subscript 2 O,” and the term, “bent with an approximately 109 degree angle,” are written beside this diagram. The third diagram shows the letter A with one lone electron pair, single bonded to the left and lower right to the letter B. An example, “S O subscript 2,” and the term, “bent with an approximately 120 degree angle,” are written beside this diagram.

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A molecule with the formula AB 3 , in which A and B represent different atoms, could have one of three different shapes. Sketch and name the three different shapes that this molecule might have. Give an example of a molecule or ion that has each shape.

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Draw the Lewis electron dot structures for these molecules, including resonance structures where appropriate:

(a) CS 3 2−

(b) CS 2

(c) CS

(d) predict the molecular shapes for CS 3 2− and CS 2 and explain how you arrived at your predictions

The figure shows three Lewis structures that are each surrounded by brackets and have a superscripted 2 negative sign. They are written with a double-headed arrow in between each diagram. The first of this trio has a carbon atom single bonded to two sulfur atoms, each of which has thee lone pairs of electrons, and double bonded to a third sulfur atom with two lone pairs of electrons. The second and third diagrams have the same atoms present, but each time the double bond moves between a different carbon and sulfur pair. The lone electron pairs also shift to correspond with the bond changes. ;
The Lewis structure shows a carbon atom double bonded to two sulfur atoms, each of which has two lone pairs of electrons. ;
This diagram shows a carbon with one lone electron pair triple bonded to a sulfur with one lone electron pair. ;
(d) CS 3 2− includes three regions of electron density (all are bonds with no lone pairs); the shape is trigonal planar; CS 2 has only two regions of electron density (all bonds with no lone pairs); the shape is linear

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What is the molecular structure of the stable form of FNO 2 ? (N is the central atom.)

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A compound with a molar mass of about 42 g/mol contains 85.7% carbon and 14.3% hydrogen. What is its molecular structure?

The Lewis structure is made from three units, but the atoms must be rearranged:
A Lewis structure is shown in which a carbon atom is single bonded to three hydrogen atoms and a second carbon atom. The second carbon is single bonded to a hydrogen atom and double bonded to a third carbon atom which is single bonded to two hydrogen atoms.

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Use the simulation to perform the following exercises for a two-atom molecule:

(a) Adjust the electronegativity value so the bond dipole is pointing toward B. Then determine what the electronegativity values must be to switch the dipole so that it points toward A.

(b) With a partial positive charge on A, turn on the electric field and describe what happens.

(c) With a small partial negative charge on A, turn on the electric field and describe what happens.

(d) Reset all, and then with a large partial negative charge on A, turn on the electric field and describe what happens.

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Use the simulation to perform the following exercises for a real molecule. You may need to rotate the molecules in three dimensions to see certain dipoles.

(a) Sketch the bond dipoles and molecular dipole (if any) for O 3. Explain your observations.

(b) Look at the bond dipoles for NH 3 . Use these dipoles to predict whether N or H is more electronegative.

(c) Predict whether there should be a molecular dipole for NH 3 and, if so, in which direction it will point. Check the molecular dipole box to test your hypothesis.

The molecular dipole points away from the hydrogen atoms.

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Use the Molecule Shape simulator to build a molecule. Starting with the central atom, click on the double bond to add one double bond. Then add one single bond and one lone pair. Rotate the molecule to observe the complete geometry. Name the electron group geometry and molecular structure and predict the bond angle. Then click the check boxes at the bottom and right of the simulator to check your answers.

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Use the Molecule Shape simulator to explore real molecules. On the Real Molecules tab, select H 2 O. Switch between the “real” and “model” modes. Explain the difference observed.

The structures are very similar. In the model mode, each electron group occupies the same amount of space, so the bond angle is shown as 109.5°. In the “real” mode, the lone pairs are larger, causing the hydrogens to be compressed. This leads to the smaller angle of 104.5°.

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Use the Molecule Shape simulator to explore real molecules. On the Real Molecules tab, select “model” mode and S 2 O. What is the model bond angle? Explain whether the “real” bond angle should be larger or smaller than the ideal model angle.

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Questions & Answers

what is chemistry
Terhemba Reply
what is the difference between ph and poh?
Abagaro Reply
chemical bond that results from the attractive force between shared electrons and nonmetals nucleus is what?
what is chemistry
what is chemistry
what is oxidation
Chidiebube Reply
calculate molarity of NaOH solution when 25.0ml of NaOH titrated with 27.2ml of 0.2m H2SO4
Gasin Reply
what's Thermochemistry
rhoda Reply
the study of the heat energy which is associated with chemical reactions
How was CH4 and o2 was able to produce (Co2)and (H2o
Edafe Reply
explain please
First twenty elements with their valences
Martine Reply
what is chemistry
asue Reply
what is atom
what is the best way to define periodic table for jamb
Damilola Reply
what is the change of matter from one state to another
Elijah Reply
what is isolation of organic compounds
IKyernum Reply
what is atomic radius
ThankGod Reply
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Atomic radius is the radius of the atom and is also called the orbital radius
atomic radius is the distance between the nucleus of an atom and its valence shell
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Bohr's model of the theory atom
Ayom Reply
is there a question?
when a gas is compressed why it becomes hot?
It has no oxygen then
read the chapter on thermochemistry...the sections on "PV" work and the First Law of Thermodynamics should help..
Which element react with water
Mukthar Reply

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Source:  OpenStax, Chemistry. OpenStax CNX. May 20, 2015 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11760/1.9
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