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Make our own judgements  (Page 2/3)

  • The way I behave
  • The way I talk
  • What I talk about
  • How I get on with those about me?

Activity 5:

Now you are ready to write a full descriptive essay about your family, your friends and yourself.

  • Write an honest essay of about 1 ½ pages (250 words).


You have spent time on the CONTENT of your essay but you do need to consider STYLE too.

Here are some ideas of how to introduce style into your writing. Look at the following checklist:

Consider the following CHECKLIST before you start and after you have finished:

1. Have a strong opening paragraph.
2. Use good descriptive adjectives / participles.
3. Vary the length of my sentences.
4. Vary the length of my paragraphs.
5. Use interesting, varied punctuation.
6. Use a few clever figures of speech e g. alliteration.
7. Write a neat essay, using a clear handwriting.
8. Space my paragraphs well.
9. Select a short, pithy title.
10. Have no spelling or language errors.
  • First, write a rough essay on rough paper.
  • Let your teacher or a friend read it to help you with spelling and language errors.
  • Here are some adjectives and participles to help you with your essay (Add some of your own):
kind / unkind frustrated / relaxed candid / closed
reassuring / non-reassuring ambitious / unambitious supportive / non-supportive
helpful / unhelpful conscientious / non-driven patient / impatient
non-reliable / reliable industrious / lazy busy / free
irresponsible / responsible punctual / late considerate / inconsiderate
creative, imaginative scientific cold, calculated
precise talented disinterested
active sporty, sporting enthusiastic
honest gentle quiet


  • Possible OPENING PARAGRAPH : NB TIP: You do not need to use all the lines!
  • Points to include:





  • NOW, re-write your final essay correctly, concisely and clearly: Extra own paper allowed

This will be evaluated for your portfolio, using the above checklist.


CONTENT and STYLE LO Excellent Good Needs work Needs extra help
1 Title.
2 Preparation
3 Content
4 Opening paragraph
5 Strong vocabulary
6 Sentence lengths
7 Paragraph lengths
8 Punctuation
9 Figures of speech
10 General neatness
11 Handwriting
12 Spacing
13 Spelling
14 Language
15 Maturity
  • HAND IN YOUR rough draft with your final essay.


Learning outcomes(LOs)
LO 1 Listening
The learner will be able to listen for enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.
Assessment standards(ASs)
We know this when the learner:
1.1 listens to and appreciates challenging imaginative and informative oral texts;1.5 identifies the speaker’s reasons for choosing particular words, phrases and sentences to influence the listener and explains their impact.
LO 2 Speaking
The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.
We know this when the learner:
2.1 communicates ideas and feelings creatively and expressively with a great degree of confidence and with limitedassistance, using a range of selected oral text types;
2.2 communicates ideas, facts and opinions on challenging topics clearly and accurately and with a greater degree ofcoherence, using a range of factual oral text types;
2.3 demonstrates basic skills in a range of oral text types:2.3.3 explains how to do an experiment.
2.4 demonstrates a range of interaction skills by participating actively in group discussions, conversations, debates and group surveys and while so doing, tackles important issues, asks appropriate questions, takes on different roles, acknowledges others’ opinions, motivates own point of view, gives and receives criticism;
2.6 identifies and discusses the features which contribute to the success of own
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OpenStax, English home language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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