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Java1468-plotting engineering and scientific data using java  (Page 26/25)

Baldwin shows you how write a generalized plotting program that can be used to plot engineering and scientific data produced by any object that implements a very simple interface.

Revised: Fri Oct 16 23:13:29 CDT 2015

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Excellent language for engineering computations

Because of its platform independence, Java provides an excellent programming language for engineering and scientific computational experiments, particularlywhere extreme execution speed is not a requirement. Programs developed for such experiments on one platform can be successfully executed on a variety ofplatforms without the need to rewrite or recompile the program code.

A large Math library

Furthermore, because if its inherent simplicity, and the availability of a large Math library, Java provides an excellent programming language forengineers and scientists who want to do their own programming, but who have no desire to become programming experts. The code required to conduct anengineering or scientific computational experiment often consists of little more than the most rudimentary application of arithmetic in loops using data storedin arrays or read from disk files.

Now for the bad news

However, there is a downside to this happy story. When doing this sort of work, it is often very important to see the results of the experiments in theform of graphs or plots. Unfortunately, the programming required to produce graphical output from simple engineering and scientific computationalexperiments cannot be accomplished using rudimentary programming techniques. Rather, to do that job right requires considerable expertise in Javaprogramming.

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