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7.4 What causes changes in unemployment over the long run  (Page 5/27)

What seems to matter most is not just the amount of these benefits, but how long they last. A society that provides generous help for the unemployed that cuts off after, say, six months, may provide less of an incentive for unemployment than a society that provides less generous help that lasts for several years. Conversely, government assistance for job search or retraining can in some cases encourage people back to work sooner. See the Clear it Up to learn how the U.S. handles unemployment insurance.

How does u.s. unemployment insurance work?

Unemployment insurance is a joint federal–state program, established by federal law in 1935. The federal government sets minimum standards for the program, but most of the administration is done by state governments.

The funding for the program is a federal tax collected from employers. The federal government requires that the tax be collected on the first $7,000 in wages paid to each worker; however, states can choose to collect the tax on a higher amount if they wish, and 41 states have set a higher limit. States can choose the length of time that benefits will be paid, although most states limit unemployment benefits to 26 weeks—with extensions possible in times of especially high unemployment. The fund is then used to pay benefits to those who become unemployed. Average unemployment benefits are equal to about one-third of the wage earned by the person in his or her previous job, but the level of unemployment benefits varies considerably across states.

Maximum weekly unemployment benefits by state in 2014
Bottom 10 States That Pay the Lowest Benefit per Week Top 10 States That Pay the Highest Benefit per Week
Delaware $330 Massachusetts $674
Georgia $330 Minnesota $629
South Carolina $326 New Jersey $624
Missouri $320 Washington $624
Florida $275 Connecticut $590
Tennessee $275 Pennsylvania $573
Alabama $265 Rhode Island $566
Louisiana $247 Ohio $564
Arizona $240 Hawaii $560
Mississippi $235 Oregon $538

One other interesting thing to note about the classifications of unemployment—an individual does not have to collect unemployment benefits to be classified as unemployed. While there are statistics kept and studied relating to how many people are collecting unemployment insurance, this is not the source of unemployment rate information.

View this article for an explanation of exactly who is eligible for unemployment benefits.

On the demand side of the labor market, government rules social institutions, and the presence of unions can affect the willingness of firms to hire. For example, if a government makes it hard for businesses to start up or to expand, by wrapping new businesses in bureaucratic red tape, then businesses will become more discouraged about hiring. Government regulations can make it harder to start a business by requiring that a new business obtain many permits and pay many fees, or by restricting the types and quality of products that can be sold. Other government regulations, like zoning laws, may limit where business can be done, or whether businesses are allowed to be open during evenings or on Sunday.

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OpenStax, University of houston downtown: macroeconomics. OpenStax CNX. May 28, 2014 Download for free at
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