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4.2 Stock farming


Grade 4

Food production in south africa

Module 22

Stock farming

Stock farming comprises large stock farming (slaughter stock, dairy cattle and horses), small stock farming (sheep and goats) and poultry farming (chickens).

Activity 1

To make a list of as many examples as possible of foodstuffs obtained from animals. you could also make a large poster with examples of the packaging in which these products appear on the shelves of shops. [lo 1.7]

Make a list of as many examples as possible of foodstuffs that we get from animals. You could also make a large poster with examples of the packaging in which these products are sold in shops.












Activity 2

To study a map that shows the distribution of large and small stock farming in south africa and to answer the questions [lo 1.1]

Are their any provinces in South Africa where there is no stock farming?


Where is sheep farming mainly practised? Discuss possible reasons for this in your groups.




What is the main type of stock farming in the Limpopo province?


Can you suggest any reason why there is little stock farming in Gauteng?





Learning outcome 1: geographical enquiry

The learner will be able to use enquiry skills to investigate geographical and

environmental concepts and processes.

Assessment standard

We know this when the learner:

1.1 identifies information from various sources (maps, atlases, books) [finds sources];

1.7 uses geographical and environmental concepts and terms to report on enquiries in different ways (e.g. writing a paragraph, using a poster, artwork).


The distribution of large and small stock farming in south africa

  • No
  • North Cape and Free State – natural grazing
  • Cattle
  • Small – industrial; many cities; little rural areas available
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Read also:

OpenStax, Geography grade 4. OpenStax CNX. Sep 17, 2009 Download for free at
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