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3.2 To write for personal reflection  (Page 8/3)

English first additional language

Grade 8

Language as a tool

Module 13

To write for personal reflection

Activity 1:

To write for personal reflection

[lo 4.3]

Have you ever kept your own secret diary?

  • A diary is a very personal record of the things which have happened to a person and of their feelings about what happened. It is autobiographical (written by the person).
  • A diary will have:
  • a date at the top (day, month, year) of each entry
  • the pronouns I, me, my
  • words describing feelings and emotions
  • references to specific events

Example of a diary entry

24 December 1987

How I wish this night could be over! Uncle Don lit the candles on the tree. All the children were sent to bed early – as if that would make us sleep! If only I could see Santa in person! I wouldn’t ask him for any presents (I think). I just want to know what he really looks like. When I left the room there was no sign of any presents! Maybe I shall get the roller blades Mom didn’t want to buy me the other day. I want them sooo badly! You should see them . . .

Now it is your turn to write.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine yourself in Shamila’s shoes.


Imagine that you are Shamila in the story Mila’s Magic. Your parents have recently died in a horrific car accident on the island where you have been living all your life. Your grandparents are now looking after you. Gram has decided that to give you a better opportunity of success in life, you must leave the island to live with your Aunt Sara, Uncle Jos and their five children! You have never met any of them in person. The only knowledge you have of them is the stories your mother occasionally told you when you were still very young. If you had a choice you would not go, but you are only eleven years old. Your grandparents have made up their minds and you are leaving the next day.

After a week with your mainland relatives, you have discovered many disappointing facts about them. However, you have no other option but to stay with them and adapt to their lifestyle.

Given the above information, write SIX diary entries of approximately 80 – 100 words in total, based on the following days:

1 . The day that Gram made known their decision to send you to Aunt Sara.

2 . One of the days in the week prior to your departure to Aunt Sara.

3 . The day before you left for Aunt Sara.

4 . The day you travelled to Aunt Sara.

5 . Your first day with the family.

6 . One day towards the end of the first week with Aunt Sara.

Let’s get going

First organize your thoughts. Right down all your ideas and the information from the story.

PLANNING: Consider some of the following

  • Why did you have to go to Aunt Sara?
  • What would you miss most?
  • How did you feel about going?
  • What did you see when you arrived there?
  • How did you react?
  • What did you feel when you saw Aunt Sara and the family?
  • What happened next?
  • Your feelings about what might happen in future.

Write a rough draft

Use the checklist below as a guide to edit your rough draft and final diary:

WHAT TO CHECK Rough draft Final copy
Have I used the pronouns ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘my’?
Have I used any incorrect facts? (as this is text-based)
Have I expressed emotions and reactions?
Have I counted and recorded the number of words I used?
Have I written neatly, in my best handwriting?
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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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