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3.1 Understanding what graphs tell us  (Page 5/5)

LO 3
Space and Shape (Geometry)The learner will be able to describe and represent cha­racteristics and relationships between two–dimensional shapes and three–dimensional objects in a variety of orientations and positions.
We know this when the learner:
3.7 uses various representational systems to describe position and movement between positions, including:
  • ordered grids;
3.7.2 Cartesian plane (4 quadrants)3.7.3 compass directions in degrees;3.7.4 angles of elevation and depression.
LO 4
MeasurementThe learner will be able to use appropriate measuring units, instruments and formulae in a variety of conte x ts
We know this when the learner:
4.1 solves ratio and rate problems involving time, distance and speed;
4.4 uses the theorem of Pythagoras to solve problems involving missing lengths in known geometric figures and solids.
LO 5
Data HandlingThe learner will be able to collect, summarise, display and critically analyse data in order to draw conclusions and make predictions and to interpret and determine chance variation.
We know this when the learner:
5.1 poses questions relating to human rights, social, economic, environmental and political issues in South Africa;
5.2 selects, justifies and uses appropriate methods for collecting data (alone and/or as a member of a group or team) which include questionnaires and interviews, e x periments, and sources such as books, magazines and the Internet in order to answer questions and thereby draw conclusions and make predictions about the environment;
5.3 organises numerical data in different ways in order to summarise by determining:
5.3.1 measures of central tendency;
5.3.2 measures of dispersion;
5.4 draws a variety of graphs by hand/technology to display and interpret data including:
5.4.1 bar graphs and double bar graphs;



Basic graphical literacy

The first part serves only to familiarise learners with the general appearance of a graph. Help them understand that the legends to the left and bottom of the graph contain meaningful information.

In this section the importance of correct and adequate labelling of graphs has not been emphasized in the learner’s module. This is mainly to keep the graphs legible. The teacher should point out that titles and other explanatory labels are necessary, and at appropriate times discuss the value of and need for annotation of graphs. Learners should always label their own graphs properly.

It will be difficult, as it often is with graphs, to be completely accurate in readings taken from the graph. The main idea is that they learn where and how readings can be taken, and not to want perfectly accurate answers. It is important that they be encouraged to motivate their answers – this will lead them to try and make logical sense of the work, and not to only guess.

1.1 South Asia 1.2 East Asia 1.3 East Asia 1.4 No

1.5 Roughly speaking, the increase was about in the same ratio – each increased by about 50% of what it had been.

1.6 SA started from a very low base (almost no TV sets) and increased fast. The US started with many TV sets and could therefore not increase so much.

  • In question 1.6 learners should get some input from the educator, as they might not be old enough to have the necessary experience.

2.1 (a) 50 000 – 60 000 (b) about 125 000 (c) nearly a million

2.2 more than 2.3 (see below) 2.4 About thirty years

2.5 Less than ten years 2.6 Yes – the graph goes up to the right.

Question 2.3 – think Second World War!

Question 2.7: The main idea is that it is impossible for the graph to keep on going upwards forever.

Question 3 uses a graph from an area in the Western Cape – maybe it will be possible to find something close to the home range of the learners.

3.1 Between 100 m and 110 m

3.2 About 215 m

3.3 Nearly 3 000 m from Papegaaiberg

  • The teacher can help a great deal to make learners more graphically literate by looking for graphs to show and discuss, and to encourage learners to do the same. An atlas usually has graphs of various kinds. Later in the module when other graphical methods are discussed, atlases can once again be used for additional examples.

Cartesian planes

  • Graph paper is very expensive. Two sheets of squared paper is included at the end of this section, instead of in the learner’s module. The teacher can make photocopies of them whenever necessary
  • Most learners understand coordinate systems well after a bit of practice. The hardest thing to grasp can be that the integers refer to where the lines are, and not to the space in between. This is essential to knowing how to deal with fractions of a unit. It is effort well-repaid to make sure they get this point mastered. Point out that it works like a ruler.

1. 4 × 36 = 144

2. R4H2 ; L5H4 ; L4S1 ; R2S2 (Please check these answers with the learner’s module)

3. Answer not included – left as an exercise for the teacher.

4. The letters are less useful – but this is the opportunity to bring in zero (for the chairs in the passages) and negative numbers for the seats to the left and to the front.

There is a great deal of terminology coming in at this stage – the more the educator uses the correct terms, the more familiar the learners will become with them.

1. A ( –5 ; 6) B (–4 ; –2) C (5 ; –5) D (2 ; 3)

E (6 ; 0) F (0 ; 8) G (–6 ; –6)

2. Something looking like a dog should emerge.

Tables and graphs

  • When working with tables, it is important to take note of the order and pattern of the top row when trying to determine a pattern for the bottom row.

1.1 (The formula is 5 x + 12) a = 57; b = 72; c = 13

1.2 (1 ; 17) (2 ; 22) (3 ; 27) (4 ; 32) (5 ; 37) (6 ; 42) (7 ; 47) (9 ; 57) (12 ; 72) (13 ; 77)

2. This situation illustrates a stepped graph

2.1 1,5 hours is part of two hours and 2,5 hours is part of 3 hours.

2.2 Plot only dots, and don’t join them.

2.4 R245


Hours 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8
A 125 210 295 380 465 550 635 720 805 890 975 1060 1145 1230 1315 1400
B 145 230 315 400 485 570 655 740 825 910 995 1080 1165 1250 1335 1420
C 175 175 325 325 475 475 625 625 775 775 925 925 1075 1075 1225 1225
D 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600
Here is a table of the values to be plotted. Important: This is also a stepped graph.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Mathematics grade 9. OpenStax CNX. Sep 14, 2009 Download for free at
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