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2.2 Write a sensitive letter and read a passage  (Page 3/3)

Christine Palmer

Activity 3:

Now answer comprehension questions on the above passage

[lo 5.3.5]

Paragraph 1:

Give the meaning of sensitive .

LO 6.1.2 ( 2 )

What is the difference between affect and effect ?

LO 6.1.2 ( 2 )

Give one example each for why young boys and girls react with deep emotion, heartfelt agony and embarrassment.

LO 6.1.1 ( 6 )

Paragraph 2

“We need to look more deeply” . Give the part of speech of and the function of . . .

LO 6.1.5 ( 8 )


need to look



Paragraph 3

What is the connection of the second sentence to the first?

LO 6.2.6 ( 1 )

Paragraph 4

What is the function of the colon?

LO 6.2.6 ( 1 )

Paragraph 5

  • What kind of sentence is used? (Simple, complex or compound?)

Define your answer.

LO 6.4.1 ( 1 )

Paragraph 6

Use understanding , kin d and compassionate in sentences. Show the meaning clearly.

LO 6.1.2 ( 3 )

What is the purpose of the colon?

LO 6.1.2 ( 1 )

Paragraph 7

  • What is the meaning of squirm ?

Use the word in a sentence to show it’s meaning clearly.

LO 6.1.2 ( 3 )

What is the difference between fame and notoriety ?

LO 6.1.2 ( 2 )

What can a bully do if he wants to change his behavioural pattern?

LO 5.1.1 ( 3 )

Paragraph 8

Name two other gifts you feel are the greatest gifts you could give to any man.

LO 5.1.1 ( 2 ).

Paragraph 9

What is meant by world here?

LO 5.1.1 ( 3 )

Paragraph 10

Why is talk repeated?

LO 5.1.1 ( 1 )

Why is there an exclamation mark after the last sentence?

LO 6.2.6 ( 1 )

Paragraph 11

Give the ONE function of both commas in the first sentence.

LO 6.2.6 ( 1 )

Paragraph 12

Combine the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th sentences into ONE sentence. Use the correct punctuation.

LO 6.2.6 ( 1 )

Paragraph 13

What is the function of the semi-colons; the dash and the exclamation mark?

LO 6.2.6 ( 3 )

Paragraph 14

Is this sentence a statement, a command or a question?

LO 6.2.4 ( 1 )

Explain the figurative image in stake your claim .

LO 3.8.2 ( 2 )

TOTAL: 48 [1 - 12 = 1; 13 – 24 = 2 ; 25 – 36 = 3; 37 – 48 = 4 ]

Activity 4:

Point-form summary

[lo 5.3.5]

  • Make a point-form summary of this passage under the following headings:
  • The basic character of a person without prejudice.
  • The basic character of a bully.
  • The basic character of a receiver of prejudice.
  • What a victim can do about being bullied.
  • Give a title and leave a space between each point.
  • Number your points clearly. ( 20 )

Title: _______________________________________________


Sub-heading : ________________________________________

Sub-heading :________________________________________

Sub-heading : ________________________________________


LO 4 Writing
The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes a range of imaginative texts:4.1.1 to express imagination, ideas and feelings about self and others;4.1.2 to explore the creative, critical and playful use of language by means of narrative and descriptive compositions, dialogues, poems, songs and letters;
4.2 produces a range of factual written and multi-model texts for various purposes, using a range of visual, and design elements where appropriate by means of recounts of events, research project reports, pamphlets, posters, book reviews;
4.4 uses the writing process collaboratively and independently to generate texts:4.4.5 reflects on multiple drafts considering purpose, audience, language usage, bias, complex organisation and a few simple elements of style, and revise appropriately.

LO 5 Thinking and Reasoning

The learner will be able to use language to think and reason, as well as to access, process and use information for learning.

We know this when the learner:

5.1 uses language to think and reason:

5.1.1 applies thinking and reasoning skills in a variety of contexts across the curriculum;

5.1.6 draws on own experience in order to substantiate point of view;

5.1.7 questions and infers to solve problems and develop thinking about complex issues, ideas and emotions;

5.2 use language to investigate and explore:

5.2.4 locates and accesses information from a wide variety of sources;

5.3 processes information:

5.3.3 extracts and synthesises information, using listening, reading, writing and viewing skills;

5.3.5 summarises information or ideas by selecting generalising, categorising and editing, and reflects critically on the product.

5.3.6 formulates thoughts orally and in writing in increasingly complex ways, using knowledge of language.

LO 6 Language Structure and Use

The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.

We know this when the learner:

6.1 works with words:

6.1.2 creates personal spelling list and dictionary of words across the curriculum and discusses which words give problems;

6.1.5 uses word families and words of the same field to develop vocabulary in context.


ACTIVITY 1: Write a sensitive letter

  • Perhaps a short discussion about what is happening or has happened in the suggested countries. They might like to add some extra scenario’s but need to explain their choice. Let them get the FEEL of the country AND the circumstances so that the letter is as REAL as possible. They must hand in the rough work with the final EDITED version. They might like to add a picture taken from a newspaper or a magazine for extra credibility.

ACTIVITY 2: Read passage

  • Here you can spend time talking about bullying in general and why and how bullying is manifested. You might like to go over the questions AND answers with the learners but they are not allowed to write down anything. Then they will be judged on how well they listened and also how well they can express themselves – almost like editing a test! Then you can take this in as part of their portfolio.

ACTIVITY 3: Point-form summary

  • They need to understand about headings; numbering; writing concisely (but still including the finite verb) and spacing. Do this roughly with them first so that they understand the techniques fully. Explain the purpose of a summary: To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
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OpenStax, English home language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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