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1.3 Scr0330: sequence, selection, and loop in scratch 2.0.  (Page 10/9)

The purpose of this module is to teach you about structured programming; the sequence structure, the selection structure, and the loop structure. The module will also teach you how to write a Scratch program that illustrates the selection structure, mouse events, and Cartesian coordinates.

Table of contents


Scratch 2.0 (released May 9, 2013) is the second major version of Scratch to be released during the life of theproduct. Among other things, it features a redesigned editor and website, and allows you to edit projects directly from your web browser.

This module is one in a collection of modules designed to help beginners of all ages (8 and up) learn how to create the code for computer programs using Scratch 2.0 . Information is provided not only for the beginners themselves but also for their parents and teacherswhere appropriate.

The purpose of this module is to teach you about structured programming; the sequence structure, the selection structure, and the loop structure. The module will also teach you how to write a Scratch program that illustrates the selection structure, mouse events, and Cartesian coordinates .

Finally, the module presents a student project by which you can demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned from studying the module.

Viewing tip

I recommend that you open another copy of this module in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the imageswhile you are reading about them.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Teaching beginners to code. OpenStax CNX. May 27, 2013 Download for free at
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