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1.1 General science

To interpret information gathered in a study of an ecosystem

Natural sciences

Life and way of living

Educator section


1. Number of plant types: four

  • Four types: Trees: grow tall (long stem/trunk), branched, many leaves, standing singly.
  • Shrubs: like trees but not as high (stems not long)
  • Climbers/creepers: grow high but do not stand on their own – creeps or climbs up trees or any kind of structure.
  • Ground covers, herbs: low-growing

2. In trees/shrubs: Insects, birds, snakes, squirrels

  • On the ground: Mice, insects, rabbits, birds, snakes, frogs
  • In ground litter: Earthworms and other worms/caterpillars cicadas, frogs
  • In soil: Earthworms, moles, snakes
  • In water: Fish, insects, frogs

3. Each plant and animal is adapted for survival in its environment in a particular manner.

Leaner section


Activity 2: to interpret information gathered in a study of an ecosystem [lo 2.3]

Variety (diversity) within an ecosystem

An ecosystem is characterised by a large variety of living organisms.

Look at the accompanying illustration of an ecosystem and answer the questions that follow. If you have access to a place where plants grow, especially if there also is water such as a stream or a dam, it could be worthwhile to spend a bit of time there and to try to find further information for your answers. You then have an ecosystem in which you can make your observations.

  1. How many different types of plants can you distinguish? ________________
  • Try to distinguish four types and describe each of them:

















2. Try to determine what types of animals you possibly might find in the following places in the ecosystem (consult books or investigate the ecosystem that you have chosen):

  • In the trees and shrubs above the soil:




  • On top of the soil:




  • In the layer of dead plant material on top of the soil:




  • In the soil:




  • In the water:




  • Why is there such a variety of plants and animals?







Learning Outcome 2: The learner will know and be able to interpret and apply scientific, technological and environmental knowledge.

Assessment Standard 2.3: We know this when the learner interprets information.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Natural sciences grade 7. OpenStax CNX. Sep 16, 2009 Download for free at
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