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0.4 Polymorphism - the big picture  (Page 6/9)

Source code for the file named polymorph02.mxml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--Illustrates polymorphism.--><mx:Application xmlns:mx=""xmlns:cc="CustomClasses.*"><cc:Driver/></mx:Application>

In keeping with my objective of emphasizing ActionScript programming rather than Flex MXML programming in this series of tutorial lessons, this program iswritten almost entirely in ActionScript. The MXML file serves simply as a launch pad for the program by instantiating an object of the class named Driver .

The file named

A complete listing of this file is provided in Listing 10 near the end of the lesson. The class named Driver begins in Listing 2.

Beginning of the class named driver.

package CustomClasses{ import*;import mx.containers.VBox;import mx.controls.Button; import mx.controls.Label;import mx.controls.TextArea;public class Driver extends VBox{ private var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();

A Driver object is a VBox object

The class named Driver extends the VBox class. As a result, components added to the objects are arranged vertically with leftjustification as shown in Figure 2.

The TextArea object

Listing 2 instantiates the TextArea object shown in Figure 2 and saves its reference in an instance variable named textArea . The reference was saved in an instance variable to make it available to both the constructorand a click event handler method later.

The constructor for the class named Driver

The constructor for the class named Driver is shown in Listing 3.

The constructor for the class named driver.

public function Driver(){//constructor var label:Label = new Label();label.text = "Polymorphism Demonstration"; label.setStyle("fontSize",14);label.setStyle("color",0xFFFF00); addChild(label);var button:Button = new Button();button.label = "GO";addChild(button);textArea.width = 200; textArea.height = 70;addChild(textArea);button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonHandler);}//end constructor

Nothing new here

I don't believe there is anything in Listing 3 that you haven't seen in previous lessons. The code in the constructor simply constructs the GUIpictured in Figure 2.

A click event handler method

Probably the most important thing to note about listing 3 is the registration of the click event handler method named buttonHandler on the button shown in Figure 2. Once the GUI is constructed, further action occurs only when the user clicks the button, causingthe method named buttonHandler to be executed.

Beginning of the method named buttonHandler

The method named buttonHandler begins in Listing 4. This method is executed each time the user clicks the button shown in Figure 2.

Beginning of the method named buttonhandler.

private function buttonHandler( event:MouseEvent):void{var randomChoice:Number = Math.random();var radius:uint = uint(10*Math.random() + 1); var width:uint = uint(10*Math.random() + 1);var height:uint = uint(10*Math.random() + 1);
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Read also:

OpenStax, Object-oriented programming (oop) with actionscript. OpenStax CNX. Jun 04, 2010 Download for free at
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