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0.28 Underpinnings of the social edition appendix 2  (Page 82/400)

Bralesford, Humphrey (1689.). The poor man's help. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643 [i.e. 1644]). A sermon preached in Yorke Minster, before his Excellence the Marques of Newcastle, being then ready to meet the Scotch Army, January, 28. 1643.. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643.). A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of York. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1643.). The serpent salve, or, A remedie for the biting of an aspe. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1654.). A just vindication of the Church of England, from the unjust aspersion of criminal schisme. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1656.). A replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon his Survey of the Vindication of the Church of England from criminous schism. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1657.). Castigations of Mr. Hobbes his last animadversions in the case concerning liberty and universal necessity. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1658.). Schisme garded and beaten back upon the right owners. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1658.). The consecration and succession, of Protestant bishops justified, the Bishop of Duresme vindicated, and that infamous fable of the ordination at the Nagges head clearly confuted. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661?]). A fair warning for England to take heed of the Presbyterian government of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661.). A sermon preached at Dublin upon the 23 of Aprill, 1661. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1661.). The right way to safety after ship-wrack. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1672.). Bishop Bramhall's vindication of himself and the episcopal clergy, from the Presbyterian charge of popery. EEBO-TCP.

Bramhall, John (1673.). An answer to two letters of T.B.. EEBO-TCP.

Brand, Adam (1698.). A journal of the embassy from their Majesties John and Peter Alexievitz, emperors of Muscovy&c. over land into China through the provinces of Ustiugha, Siberia, Dauri, and the great Tartary to Peking the capital city of the Chinese empire by Everard Isbrand, their ambassador in the years 1693, 1694, and 1695. EEBO-TCP.

Brandon, Charles [and others] (1507?). Here begynneth the iustes of Maye parfurnysshed and done by Charles brandon. Thomas knyuet. [etc.]. TUDOR.

Brandon, Samuel (1598].). The tragicomoedi of the vertuous Octauia. EEBO-TCP.

Brant, Sebastian (1509] the fyrste yere of the reygne of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the viii. The. vi. daye of Iulii]). The shyppe of fooles. EEBO-TCP.

Brathwait, Richard (1611). Brathwait: The Golden Fleece (1611). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1614). Brathwait: The Poets Willow (1614). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1615). Brathwait: A Strappado for the Diuell (1615). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1617). Braithwait, R.: A Solemn Joviall Disputation (1617). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1619). Brathwait: A New Spring (1619). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1619). Brathwait: The Description of a good Wife (1619). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1621). Brathwait, R.: Times cvrtaine drawne (1621). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1621). Brathwait: Natures Embassie (1621). CH.

Brathwait, Richard (1634). Brathwait, R.: Anniversaries upon his panarete (1634). CH.

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