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(This appendix should be consulted after first reading Welcome to Economics! ) Economics is not math. There is no important concept in this course that cannot be explained without mathematics. That said, math is a tool that can be used to illustrate economic concepts. Remember the saying a picture is worth a thousand words? Instead of a picture, think of a graph. It is the same thing. Economists use models as the primary tool to derive insights about economic issues and problems. Math is one way of working with (or manipulating) economic models.

There are other ways of representing models, such as text or narrative. But why would you use your fist to bang a nail, if you had a hammer? Math has certain advantages over text. It disciplines your thinking by making you specify exactly what you mean. You can get away with fuzzy thinking in your head, but you cannot when you reduce a model to algebraic equations. At the same time, math also has disadvantages. Mathematical models are necessarily based on simplifying assumptions, so they are not likely to be perfectly realistic. Mathematical models also lack the nuances which can be found in narrative models. The point is that math is one tool, but it is not the only tool or even always the best tool economists can use. So what math will you need for this book? The answer is: little more than high school algebra and graphs. You will need to know:

  • What a function is
  • How to interpret the equation of a line (i.e., slope and intercept)
  • How to manipulate a line (i.e., changing the slope or the intercept)
  • How to compute and interpret a growth rate (i.e., percentage change)
  • How to read and manipulate a graph

In this text, we will use the easiest math possible, and we will introduce it in this appendix. So if you find some math in the book that you cannot follow, come back to this appendix to review. Like most things, math has diminishing returns. A little math ability goes a long way; the more advanced math you bring in, the less additional knowledge that will get you. That said, if you are going to major in economics, you should consider learning a little calculus. It will be worth your while in terms of helping you learn advanced economics more quickly.

Algebraic models

Often economic models (or parts of models) are expressed in terms of mathematical functions. What is a function? A function describes a relationship. Sometimes the relationship is a definition. For example (using words), your professor is Adam Smith. This could be expressed as Professor = Adam Smith. Or Friends = Bob + Shawn + Margaret.

Often in economics, functions describe cause and effect. The variable on the left-hand side is what is being explained (“the effect”). On the right-hand side is what is doing the explaining (“the causes”). For example, suppose your GPA was determined as follows:

GPA = 0.25 × combined_SAT + 0.25 × class_attendance + 0.50 × hours_spent_studying

This equation states that your GPA depends on three things: your combined SAT score, your class attendance, and the number of hours you spend studying. It also says that study time is twice as important (0.50) as either combined_SAT score (0.25) or class_attendance (0.25). If this relationship is true, how could you raise your GPA? By not skipping class and studying more. Note that you cannot do anything about your SAT score, since if you are in college, you have (presumably) already taken the SATs.

Questions & Answers

why economics is difficult for 2nd school students.
Siraj Reply
what does mean opportunity cost?
Aster Reply
what is poetive effect of population growth
Solomon Reply
what is inflation
Nasir Reply
what is demand
what is economics
economics theory describes individual behavior as the result of a process of optimization under constraints the objective to be reached being determined by
Economics is a branch of social science that deal with How to wise use of resource ,s
Economic Needs: In economics, needs are goods or services that are necessary for maintaining a certain standard of living. This includes things like healthcare, education, and transportation.
What is demand and supply
deman means?
what is supply?
ex play supply?
Money market is a branch or segment of financial market where short-term debt instruments are traded upon. The instruments in this market includes Treasury bills, Bonds, Commercial Papers, Call money among other.
murana Reply
what is money market
umar Reply
Examine the distinction between theory of comparative cost Advantage and theory of factor proportion
Fatima Reply
What is inflation
Bright Reply
a general and ongoing rise in the level of prices in an economy
What are the factors that affect demand for a commodity
Florence Reply
differentiate between demand and supply giving examples
Lambiv Reply
differentiated between demand and supply using examples
what is labour ?
how will I do?
Venny Reply
how is the graph works?I don't fully understand
Rezat Reply
hi guys good evening to all
multiple choice question
Aster Reply

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Source:  OpenStax, Principles of economics. OpenStax CNX. Sep 19, 2014 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11613/1.11
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