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4.4 Gram-positive bacteria  (Page 6/8)

[link] summarizes the characteristics of notable genera low G+C Gram-positive bacteria.

Bacilli: Low G+C Gram-Positive Bacteria
Example Genus Microscopic Morphology Unique Characteristics
Bacillus Large, gram-positive bacillus Aerobes or facultative anaerobes; form endospores; B. anthracis causes anthrax in cattle and humans, B. cereus may cause food poisoning
Clostridium Gram-positive bacillus Strict anaerobes; form endospores; all known species are pathogenic, causing tetanus, gas gangrene, botulism, and colitis
Enterococcus Gram-positive coccus; forms microscopic pairs in culture (resembling Streptococcus pneumoniae ) Anaerobic aerotolerant bacteria, abundant in the human gut, may cause urinary tract and other infections in the nosocomial environment
Lactobacillus Gram-positive bacillus Facultative anaerobes; ferment sugars into lactic acid; part of the vaginal microbiota; used as probiotics
Leuconostoc Gram-positive coccus; may form microscopic chains in culture Fermenter, used in food industry to produce sauerkraut and kefir
Mycoplasma The smallest bacteria; appear pleomorphic under electron microscope Have no cell wall; classified as low G+C Gram-positive bacteria because of their genome; M. pneumoniae causes “walking” pneumonia
Staphylococcus Gram-positive coccus; forms microscopic clusters in culture that resemble bunches of grapes Tolerate high salt concentration; facultative anaerobes; produce catalase; S. aureus can also produce coagulase and toxins responsible for local (skin) and generalized infections
Streptococcus Gram-positive coccus; forms chains or pairs in culture Diverse genus; classified into groups based on sharing certain antigens; some species cause hemolysis and may produce toxins responsible for human local (throat) and generalized disease
Ureaplasma Similar to Mycoplasma Part of the human vaginal and lower urinary tract microbiota; may cause inflammation, sometimes leading to internal scarring and infertility
  • Name some ways in which streptococci are classified.
  • Name one pathogenic low G+C gram-positive bacterium and a disease it causes.


Marsha’s sputum sample was sent to the microbiology lab to confirm the identity of the microorganism causing her infection. The lab also performed antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) on the sample to confirm that the physician has prescribed the correct antimicrobial drugs.

Direct microscopic examination of the sputum revealed acid-fast bacteria (AFB) present in Marsha’s sputum. When placed in culture, there were no signs of growth for the first 8 days, suggesting that microorganism was either dead or growing very slowly. Slow growth is a distinctive characteristic of M. tuberculosis .

After four weeks, the lab microbiologist observed distinctive colorless granulated colonies ( [link] ). The colonies contained AFB showing the same microscopic characteristics as those revealed during the direct microscopic examination of Marsha’s sputum. To confirm the identification of the AFB, samples of the colonies were analyzed using nucleic acid hybridization, or direct nucleic acid amplification (NAA) testing. When a bacterium is acid-fast, it is classified in the family Mycobacteriaceae . DNA sequencing of variable genomic regions of the DNA extracted from these bacteria revealed that it was high G+C. This fact served to finalize Marsha’s diagnosis as infection with M. tuberculosis . After nine months of treatment with the drugs prescribed by her doctor, Marsha made a full recovery.

M. tuberculosis grows on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) agar in distinct colonies. (credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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Biopiracy and bioprospecting

In 1969, an employee of a Swiss pharmaceutical company was vacationing in Norway and decided to collect some soil samples. He took them back to his lab, and the Swiss company subsequently used the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum in those samples to develop cyclosporine A, a drug widely used in patients who undergo tissue or organ transplantation. The Swiss company earns more than $1 billion a year for production of cyclosporine A, yet Norway receives nothing in return—no payment to the government or benefit for the Norwegian people. Despite the fact the cyclosporine A saves numerous lives, many consider the means by which the soil samples were obtained to be an act of “biopiracy,” essentially a form of theft. Do the ends justify the means in a case like this?

Nature is full of as-yet-undiscovered bacteria and other microorganisms that could one day be used to develop new life-saving drugs or treatments. J. Andre. Bioethics as Practice . Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies stand to reap huge profits from such discoveries, but ethical questions remain. To whom do biological resources belong? Should companies who invest (and risk) millions of dollars in research and development be required to share revenue or royalties for the right to access biological resources?

Compensation is not the only issue when it comes to bioprospecting. Some communities and cultures are philosophically opposed to bioprospecting, fearing unforeseen consequences of collecting genetic or biological material. Native Hawaiians, for example, are very protective of their unique biological resources.

For many years, it was unclear what rights government agencies, private corporations, and citizens had when it came to collecting samples of microorganisms from public land. Then, in 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity granted each nation the rights to any genetic and biological material found on their own land. Scientists can no longer collect samples without a prior arrangement with the land owner for compensation. This convention now ensures that companies act ethically in obtaining the samples they use to create their products.

Key concepts and summary

  • Gram-positive bacteria are a very large and diverse group of microorganisms. Understanding their taxonomy and knowing their unique features is important for diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Gram-positive bacteria are classified into high G+C gram-positive and low G+C gram-positive bacteria, based on the prevalence of guanine and cytosine nucleotides in their genome
  • Actinobacteria is the taxonomic name of the class of high G+C gram-positive bacteria. This class includes the genera Actinomyces, Arthrobacter, Corynebacterium, Frankia, Gardnerella, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium, Nocardia , Propionibacterium, Rhodococcus, and Streptomyces . Some representatives of these genera are used in industry; others are human or animal pathogens.
  • Examples of high G+C gram-positive bacteria that are human pathogens include Mycobacterium tuberculosis , which causes tuberculosis; M. leprae , which causes leprosy (Hansen’s disease); and Corynebacterium diphtheriae , which causes diphtheria.
  • Clostridia spp. are low G+C gram-positive bacteria that are generally obligate anaerobes and can form endospores. Pathogens in this genus include C. perfringens (gas gangrene), C. tetani (tetanus), and C. botulinum (botulism).
  • Lactobacillales include the genera Enterococcus , Lactobacillus , Leuconostoc , and Streptococcus. Streptococcus is responsible for many human diseases, including pharyngitis (strep throat), scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, pneumonia, and other respiratory infections.
  • Bacilli is a taxonomic class of low G+C gram-positive bacteria that include rod-shaped and coccus-shaped species, including the genera Bacillus and Staphylococcus . B. anthracis causes anthrax, B. cereus may cause opportunistic infections of the gastrointestinal tract, and S. aureus strains can cause a wide range of infections and diseases, many of which are highly resistant to antibiotics.
  • Mycoplasma spp. are very small, pleomorphic low G+C gram-positive bacteria that lack cell walls. M. pneumoniae causes atypical pneumonia.

Fill in the blank

Streptococcus is the ________ of bacteria that is responsible for many human diseases.


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One species of Streptococcus , S . pyogenes , is a classified as a ________ pathogen due to the characteristic production of pus in infections it causes.


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Propionibacterium belongs to ________ G+C gram-positive bacteria. One of its species is used in the food industry and another causes acne.


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Short answer

Name and describe two types of S. aureus that show multiple antibiotic resistance.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Microbiology. OpenStax CNX. Nov 01, 2016 Download for free at
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