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0.5 Glossary  (Page 7/18)


  • Gammaproteobacteria class of Proteobacteria that is very diverse and includes a number of human pathogens
  • gas gangrene rapidly spreading infection of necrotic tissues caused by the gram-positive anaerobe Clostridium perfringens and other Clostridium spp.
  • gastritis inflammation of the lining of the stomach
  • gastroenteritis inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestine
  • gene expression production of proteins from the information contained in DNA through the processes of transcription and translation
  • gene gun an apparatus that shoots gold or tungsten particles coated with recombinant DNA molecules at high speeds into plant protoplasts
  • gene silencing a genetic engineering technique in which researchers prevent the expression of a particular gene by using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs) to interfere with translation
  • gene therapy a form of treatment for diseases that result from genetic mutations; involves the introduction of nonmutated, functional genes into the genome of the patient, often by way of a viral vector
  • generalized transduction transfer of a random piece of bacterial chromosome DNA by the phage
  • generation time see doubling time
  • genes segments of DNA molecules that code for proteins or stable RNA molecules
  • genetic code correspondence between mRNA nucleotide codons and the translated amino acids
  • genetic engineering the direct alteration of an organism’s genetics to achieve desirable traits
  • genital herpes an STI caused by the herpes simplex virus
  • genital warts soft, pink, irregular growths that develop in the external genitalia or anus as a result of human papillomavirus infection
  • genome entire genetic content of a cell
  • genomic library a repository of an organism’s entire genome maintained as cloned fragments in the genomes of strains of a host organism
  • genomics the study and comparison of entire genomes, including the complete set of genes, their nucleotide sequence and organization, and their interactions within a species and with other species
  • genotype full collection of genes that a cell contains within its genome
  • germ theory of disease the theory that many diseases are the result of microbial infection
  • germination process of an endospore returning to the vegetative state
  • Ghon complex calcified lesion containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; forms in the lungs of patients with tuberculosis
  • giardiasis intestinal infection caused by Giardia lamblia
  • gingivitis inflammation of the gums that can cause bleeding
  • glial cell assists in the organization of neurons, provides a scaffold for some aspects of neuron function, and aids in recovery from neural injury
  • glomerulonephritis a type of kidney infection involving the glomeruli of the nephrons
  • glomerulus capillary bed in the nephron of the kidney that filters blood to form urine
  • glycocalyx cell envelope structure (either capsules or slime layer) outside the cell wall in some bacteria; allows bacteria to adhere to surfaces, aids in biofilm formation, and provides protection from predation
  • glycogen highly branched storage polysaccharide in animal cells and bacteria
  • glycolipid complex lipid that contains a carbohydrate moiety
  • glycolysis first step in the breakdown of glucose, the most common example of which is the Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway, producing two pyruvates, two NADH molecules, and two (net yield) ATP per starting glucose molecule
  • glycopeptides class of antibacterials that inhibit cell wall synthesis by binding to peptidoglycan subunits and blocking their insertion into the cell wall backbone, as well as blocking transpeptidation
  • glycoprotein conjugated protein with a carbohydrate attached
  • glycosidic bond forms between the hydroxyl groups of two sugar molecules
  • Golgi apparatus an organelle of the endomembrane system that is composed of a series of flattened membranous disks, called dictyosomes, each having a single lipid bilayer, that are stacked together; important in the processing of lipids and proteins
  • gonorrhea a common STI of the reproductive system caused by Neisseria gonorrheae
  • graft-versus-host disease specific type of transplantation reaction in which a transplanted immune system (e.g., a bone marrow transplant) contains APCs and T cells that are activated and attack the recipient’s tissue
  • Gram stain procedure a differential staining technique that distinguishes bacteria based upon their cell wall structure
  • granulocytes leukocytes found in the peripheral blood that are characterized by numerous granules in the cytoplasm; granulocytes include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
  • granuloma walled-off area of chronically inflamed tissue containing microbial pathogens, macrophages, and cellular materials unable to be eliminated
  • granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) serious brain infection of immunocompromised individuals caused by Acanthamoeba or Balamuthia mandrillaris
  • granzymes proteases released from a natural killer cell that enter the cytoplasm of a target cell, inducing apoptosis
  • Graves disease hyperthyroidism caused by an autoimmune disease affecting thyroid function
  • green nonsulfur bacteria similar to green sulfur bacteria but use substrates other than sulfides for oxidation
  • green sulfur bacteria phototrophic, anaerobic bacteria that use sulfide for oxidation and produce large amounts of green bacteriochlorophyll
  • growth curve a graph modeling the number of cells in a culture over time
  • guanine purine nitrogenous base found in nucleotides
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome an autoimmune disease, often triggered by bacterial and viral infections, characterized by the destruction of myelin sheaths around neurons, resulting in flaccid paralysis
  • gummas granulomatous lesions that develop in tertiary syphilis
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OpenStax, Microbiology. OpenStax CNX. Nov 01, 2016 Download for free at
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