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0.6 United states population chart

United states population chart Population figures for the decades before the first U.S. census in 1790 are estimates.
Census Year Population Census Year Population
1610 350 1820 9,638,453
1620 2,302 1830 12,866,020
1630 4,646 1840 17,069,453
1640 26,634 1850 23,191,876
1650 50,368 1860 31,443,321
1660 75,058 1870 38,558,371
1670 111,935 1880 50,189,209
1680 151,507 1890 62,979,766
1690 210,372 1900 76,212,168
1700 250,888 1910 92,228,496
1710 331,711 1920 106,021,537
1720 466,185 1930 123,202,624
1730 629,445 1940 132,164,569
1740 905,563 1950 151,325,798
1750 1,170,760 1960 179,323,175
1760 1,593,625 1970 203,211,926
1770 2,148,076 1980 226,656,805
1780 2,780,369 1990 248,709,873
1790 3,929,214 2000 281,421,906
1800 5,308,483 2010 308,745,538
1810 7,239,881
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Read also:

OpenStax, U.s. history. OpenStax CNX. Jan 12, 2015 Download for free at
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