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Integrating the statement of values into course syllabi  (Page 4/4)

Question 3:

Can you anticipate any interpretation problems that may arise with the adaptation and implementation of the SOV? How should these be addressed?

Question 4:

2. Can you identify important moral problems that are not covered or anticipated by the Statement of Values? How could the SOV be modified to cover these problems and “fill the gaps”?

What did you learn?

Reflecting on what you have done is an absolutely essential part of the learning process. In this section of the module, the class will be divided into small groups, and each group member begin by presenting his or her responses to the above four questions. Explaining your responses to others in terms that they understand and with reasons that you share with them helps you to see your own views in a different, more comprehensive way. Listening to what others say helps to integrate new information and perspectives into your thinking on an issue. In other words, it expands and deepens your own position.

    After you explain your responses to the other members of your group, discuss how the sov can be embedded in everyday academic activities. how can sov values be realized in...

  • group work
  • course syllabi
  • College Administrative procedures such as complaint processing and matriculation
  • class attendance
  • Choose one of these issues for discussion. If you have time, go to another.

    Sample issues for discussion

  • How can teachers realize justice in their evaluation procedures?
  • How can students participate responsibly in their classes?
  • How does cheating affect relations of trust between students, especially between those who cheat and those who don’t?
  • How can the practice of setting and holding office hours lead to or undermine relations of respect between teachers and students?
  • How can academic integrity be interpreted as an aspiration? What would constitute an academic integrity compliance program?
  • Does the SOV pertain to recent changes in the class schedule at UPRM? Which values pertain and why? Is an example of an SOV gap?
  • Again, choose one of these for group discussion. If you have time, go to another.


  • A meta-discussion is a discussion about a discussion. Reflecting on the discussion your group has just had...
  • Did you agree on most issues? Why do you think you all agreed? What did you do to prevent groupthink, i.e., a group atmosphere where disagreement is covered over by various methods or means.
  • Did you disagree?
  • How did you respond to disagreement? For example, did you try to impose consensus.
  • State as clearly as possible the different positions held by group members and how they differed


Sov module word 97 version

This module is also available in a Word 97 handout. Clicking on this figure will download the file including handouts for each of the discussion activities outlined above.

This student module was carried out in classes at UPRM in Business Ethics 8/10/07 and 8/13/07. All three sections including the Meta-Discussion were completed by close to 60 students. An informal summary of the students' responses and the issues they raised can be found in the corresponding Instructor Module which is under construction and will be published shortly.

My college's values and me: an exercise for esor 4019

The exercise, "My College's Values and Me," developed by Marta Colón de Toro, provides an excellent instrument for disseminating the Statement of Values to students, collecting reactions and feedback from them to incorporate into future developments, and to start reflecting on how the SOV can be realized in the classroom and the ADEM communty at large. The following media file contains the classroom exercise carried out in the fall semester, 2007, at UPRM.

My college's values and me

This exercises has been developed by Marta Colón de Toro for integration of the SOV into the class, "Wages and Salary Administration." A revised version will be substituted shortly.

Eac toolkit project

This module is a work-in-progress; the author(s) may update the content as needed. others are welcome to use this module or create a new derived module. you can collaborate to improve this module by providing suggestions and/or feedback on your experiences with this module.

Please see the Creative Commons License regarding permission to reuse this material.

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OpenStax, Corporate governance. OpenStax CNX. Aug 20, 2007 Download for free at
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