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Writing a descriptive paragraph or poem

The comments below are aimed at self-assessment. Read the COMMENTS, decide which one applies to YOU. Read the corresponding ADVICE and follow it to improve your listening skills!

1 . I understood the facts and remembered them. Well done! Keep reading and noting facts as you read
2 . I could not listen and take in the facts at the same time. Read items from the newspaper daily. Then ask yourself questions.
3. I listened and understood, but I could not remember answers Try to concentrate on facts. Jot down key-words which will jog your memory.
4 . I did not understand many of the words in both the passage and the questions You must read, read, read! You need to build up your vocabulary actively. Keep a personalised mini-dictionary!

Activity 3:

“in my opinion . . . ”

[lo 4.6.1]

This activity will teach you how to express your opinion effectively.

Good communication is a combination of skills. These are skills which can be learnt. The more you practise them, the more they will improve.

Think about an issue.

Decide what your point of view is.

Find the facts - base your opinion on facts.

Express your opinion clearly and correctly.

Of course people have different opinions and everyone is entitled to an opinion!Just remember that a person’s point of view is influenced by many things. Specific cultures, education and knowledge are a few of the things that cause people to see things differently. Bear this in mind when you differ and always try to understand the way other people think even though you may disagree.

Say “YES!”

agree: to say you have the same opinion

confirm: to back up what has been said

approve: to support what has been said

Say what you mean;mean what you say!”

Say “NO!”

disagree: to have a different opinion

deny: to say you do not accept what has been said

disapprove: to say you dislike what has been said

WHAT you say is important, but HOWyou say it ismore important

When you agree, disagree, confirm, deny, approve or disapprove, you are saying Yes or No . Study the dictionary definitions (above), to understand them.

Now, choose a partner and practise the art of saying “Yes” or “No” correctly.

Read the following example. It shows how two people can have differing opinions.

Perhaps add some ideas?

Important reminder and checklist: when writing a play-form dialogue:

Do not use inverted commas. …………………
Leave a line open between speakers.
Allow the words to create your characters.
Print the name of each speaker clearly against the left margin.
Put a colon after each speaker’s name.
Give stage instructions (if any) in brackets
Use the correct tense: Present or Present Continuous Tense.
Use correct spelling and other language use.
Use correct punctuation
Use neat handwriting


Lee: I really love dogs! They are SO loyal!

Chris: I hate them! They stink!

Lee: That might be true of SOME dogs but I like them because they are wonderful pets.

Chris: Yet I hate them because they have fleas, they chase my bike and bark all night.

Lee: That is because you always tease them.

Chris: I never tease dogs!

Lee: Yes, you do!

Chris: I DO NOT!!!

Build YOUR OWN “Yes” / “No” conversations to practise the skill of expressing the following correctly, effectively, yet politely:

  • how to agree with someone
how to disagree with someone
  • how to confirm your opinion
how to deny something
  • how to approve of an opinion
how to disapprove of an opinion.

Read the Instructions carefully:

1. Choose a partner.

2. The two of you must prepare THREE dialogues together.

3. You must choose one topic from each group of topics below:

Agree / disagree on –
Homework is unnecessary
The best team sport of all is . . .
Cats are better pets than dogs.
Confirm/deny -
“I hear you won a million rand!”
“Saturday’s party has been cancelled?”
“Hey! That’s my T-shirt you are wearing!”
Approve / disapprove
Body-piercing and tattoos
Video games

4. Speaker 1 must make a comment.

5. Speaker 2 must respond.

6 . Both speakers must speak at least THREE times

7. Do rough planning of your spoken dialogue in the space provided.

8. Add stage instructions where necessary.

9. Choose the best dialogue, practise it and perform it for the class.

Now select the BEST dialogue, practise it and act it out before the class.


LO 3
Reading and ViewingThe learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.
We know this when the learner:
3.1 reads a text (fiction or non-fiction):3.1.1 identifies purpose, audience and context.
LO 4
WritingThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
We know this when the learner:
4.4 writes creatively:4.4.1 shows development in the ability to write stories, poems and play-scripts (e.g. by using figurative language);
4.6 treats writing as a process: 4.6.1 drafts, reads and discusses own writing critically;
LO 5
Thinking and ReasoningThe learner will be able to use language to think and reason, as well as to access, process and use information for learning.
We know this when the learner:
5.2 uses language for thinking: 5.2.1 asks and answers more complex questions (e.g. ‘When this is changed, then what else would change?’).


Activity 1



Activity 2


Read the questions TWICE, slowly and clearly.

“Zoo” is an abbreviation. What was a “zoo” originally called? a zoological garden
For whom were zoos originally intended? royalty and rich
What word is used which means “of kings and queens”? royalty
What animal, mentioned in the passage, lives only in Australia? kangaroo
What animal is very inquisitive? hippo
What animal has a long memory? elephant
Are gorillas naturally A aggressive B shy C friendly? shy
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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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