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1.3 Telling stories

  1. What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Rewrite the following sentence in INDIRECT SPEECH ( REPORTED SPEECH ):

“Rigo is a fourteen-year-old gorilla. He is a teenager and teenagers tend to do

these silly things!” said zoo director, Mark Granger.


LO 1
ListeningThe learner will be able to listen for enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.
We know this when the learner:
1.1 understands and appreciates stories, including those told by other learners:1.1.1 responds personally and critically, asks and answers quesions;
1.3 listens for specific information:1.3.2 uses information to complete a table or chart, or label a diagram;
LO 2
SpeakingThe learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.
We know this when the learner:
2.2 interacts in additional language:2.2.2 takes part in role-plays of different situations involving different kinds of language (e.g. reporting a crime to the police);
2.4 debates social and ethical issues:2.4.4 expresses opinions and supports them with reasons (e.g. I’d just like to say that….because…..).
LO 4
WritingThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes to communicate information: 4.1.3 uses information from a survey to write a report;
LO 5
Thinking and ReasoningThe learner will be able to use language to think and reason, as well as to access, process and use information for learning.
We know this when the learner:
5.2 uses language for thinking: 5.2.1 asks and answers more complex questions (e.g. ‘When this is changed, then what else would change?’);
LO 6
Language Structure and useThe learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.
We know this when the learner:
6.3 uses the past perfect (e.g. for reported speech);
6.8 uses some language to talk about language (meta-language - terms such as pronunciation);
6.9 expands vocabulary (e.g. by working with word families: happy, unhappy, happiness, unhappiness, happily).



Let the learners enjoy this – there are some wonderful stories to tell – perhaps bring some good animal novels to class – they might be tempted to read!


This is a group ACTIVITY. Let them discuss the issues in their groups and jot down notes in the space provided. Then, use these notes to compile a report.

Check the written work and control the oral.



Identify the problem.

They must read through the list of problems. Then they must mark the situations that they have experienced.

Let them add a few extra items before you start?

GROUP ACTIVITY: Purpose: Co-operation leads to solutions.

Each group must choose a group leader to read the rules of this ACTIVITY to the group - to make sure that everybody understands what must be done.

Then they will have 6 minutes to fill in the REPORT FORM.

Make sure that the learners realize that co-operation has been valuable. It is important that learners understand that in terms of problems:

There is always someone / some animal worse off than you

That in the scheme of things, some problems are not as huge as seen at first.

That many problems are shared by hundreds and are actually common.

That all problems have solutions.

Go over the Written report Assessment Chart with them.


The learners must read the newspaper report to themselves and then do the language exercises which follow:

  1. Choose the correct word of the pair given in brackets: Revise CONCORD.

The lady and her friend (was/ were ) both fond of animals.

The neighbours (was/ were ) inquisitive about the newcomer.

Rats, as well as mice, (is/ are ) considered vermin by health authorities.

The entire colony of rats ( was /were) exterminated.

Neither the policeman nor the health officers (was/ were ) prepared for what they found there.

  1. When pests are destroyed, the correct word to use is “ exterminate ”.

Fill in verbs which are idiomatically correct in the following sentences:

The firefighters hoped the rain would help them to e______ the veldfire. extinguish

If you want to grow better vegetables, you must e______the weeds. eradicate

  1. Write down the correct form of the words in brackets in the sentences below. All the words appear in bold print in the newspaper report above.

Everybody would like to live a (health) life. healthy

The (discover) of a house full of pet rats was an unpleasant surprise. discovery

Police blocked the (enter) to the building to keep inquisitive neighbours out. entrance

The superintendent filed an (officer) report on the case. official

The lady said that she was doing research on a (secret) project. secretive

  1. Rewrite the sentence below, filling in the necessary capital letters, full stops and commas:

officials at Melbourne zoo were not amused when rigo the lone gorilla there hurled a brick at

a visitor knocking him unconscious

Officials at Melbourne Zoo were not amused when Rigo, the lone gorilla there, hurled a brick at a visitor, knocking him unconscious.

  1. What do the following abbreviations stand for?

vet veterinarian

AWS Animal Welfare Society

SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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