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3.3 Adjectives and adverbs

ate courageously
fought clumsily
searched eerily
howled attentively
answered fatally
laughed hungrily
shot happily
purred frantically
listened politely
fell contentedly
LO 6.2.1


LO 4
WRITINGThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
We know this when the learner:
4.1 writes a selected range of imaginative texts:
4.1.2 to explore the creative and playful use of language by means of narrative and descriptive compositions, diaries, friendly letters, dialogues, poems, cartoons, limericks and songs;
4.3 demonstrates basic skills in selected features of writing appropriate to the text type (e.g. uses straightforward language in simple descriptions);
4.4 uses the writing process with assistance and collaboratively to generate texts:
4.4.1 selects and explores topics through brainstorming, using mind maps and lists;
4.4.4 organises ideas coherently in simple, logical order to produce first drafts.
4.4.7 proofreads and corrects final draft by applying knowledge of language in context, focusing on grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary appropriate for the grade;
LO 6
LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND USEThe learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.
We know this when the learner:
6.1 works with words:
6.1.1 uses different strategies to spell unfamiliar words;
6.1.3 uses the dictionary and thesaurus to increase vocabulary and improve spelling;
6.1.6 identifies a range of prefixes and suffixes o work out meaning;
6.1.7 analyses how language borrow words form one another, and how new words are coined and uses these appropriately;
6.2 works with sentences:
6.2.1 identifies and uses nouns, verbs, modals, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.
6.4 develops awareness and use of style;
6.4.3 uses idioms and idiomatic expressions of the language appropriately;


Pg 27 - 37 : Describing words

A noun is a naming word.

  • Common Noun - dog ; hound
  • Proper Noun - Spot ; Waggles
  • Collective Noun - a horde of savages ; a pack of wolves
  • Abstract Noun - anger ; joy ; sadness

A verb is an action word and describes the ‘happening’ or the action .

The 2 nd extract is more interesting, … it gives more detail ; tells you more …



(a) comical mask

(b) adjustable seats

(c) delicious fruit

(d) unforgettable experience

(e) loving mother

(f) experienced secretary

(g) expensive leather jacket

(h) painful operation

(i) luxurious hotel

(j) ancient ruins

4. Any suitable adjectives will suffice. Just remember that the extract must make sense after the adjectives have been filled into the spaces provided.


(a) ungrateful

(b) unfortunate

(c) irresponsible

(d) illegal

(e) unintentional

(f) inexperienced

(g) unfriendly

(h) ineffective

(i) unmerciful

(j) inexpensive


(a) dramatic

(b) irritated

(c) furious ; wounded

(d) athletic

(e) hungry

(f) fortunate

(g) guilty

(h) angry

(i) dangerous

(j) obedient


(a) longest

(b) taller ; shorter

(c) coldest ; hottest

(d) cleverest ; ugliest

(e) least

(f) worst

(g) best

(h) funnier

(i) fatter ; thinnest

(j) prettiest

9. Put the word more and most before the word


(a) more sensible ; more / most unreliable (depending on the meaning or the point being made)

(b) most expensive

(c) most unpleasant ; most selfish

(d) more skilful



(a) quietly ; pleasantly

(b) easily ; helpfully

(c) carefully ; politely

(d) cleverly ; ferociously

(e) happily ; timidly

(f) forcefully ; miserably

(g) lazily ; sadly


(a) place

(b) time

(c) time

(d) time

(e) place

(f) manner

(g) place

(h) manner

(i) manner

(j) manner

14. Any answer would do as long as it answered the question


(a) ate hungrily

(b) fought courageously

(c) searched frantically

(d) howled eerily

(e) answered politely

(f) laughed happily

(g) shot fatally

(h) purred contentedly

(i) listened attentively

(j) fell clumsily

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OpenStax, English home language grade 7. OpenStax CNX. Sep 09, 2009 Download for free at
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