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2.2 More about words

Her red shawl, and the tree.


Read the “uncompleted” paragraph below.

I Remember

It was in the spring that I left home and set off on my journey.

At the end of the lane I stopped.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back ____________

(Write about 50 words).

This excerpt from your journal tells of what you:






Use the IDEAS BLOCK to write down your sensitive perceptions.

I Remember

Activity 5:

Using own ideas to write a paragraph

[lo 4.3, 4.4.1]


LO 3
Reading and ViewingThe learner will be able to read and view for informa­tion and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts
We know this when the learner:
  • reads and responds to social texts:
3.3.1 identifies purpose, audience and context;
3.8 shows some understanding of how reference books work:
  • uses contents page and index to find information;
  • uses a dictionary and a simple thesaurus.
LO 4
WritingThe learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes
We know this when the learner:
4.2 writes for social purposes;
4.3 writes for personal reflection;
  • writes creatively:
4.4.1 shows development in the ability to write stories, poems and play-scripts (e.g. by using figurative language);
LO 6
Language Structure and useThe learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.
We know this when the learner:
6.8 uses some language to talk about language (meta-language– terms such as pronunciation);
6.9 expands vocabulary (e.g. by working with word families: happy, unhappy, happiness, unhappiness, happily).



Have another good look at dictionaries. Test them by calling out a word to see who finds the word first. Let them read out the explanation of the words. Ensure that EVERY learner possesses a GOOD dictionary and that they are used! Daily! Suggest that they ask their parents to buy them a good dictionary for their next birthday – it is something they can keep for the rest of their lives! Give them a few words which have different meanings according to the context so that they understand HOW to use a dictionary!


This can also be a time test. Now see if they can do it in their head! Not easy!

  • Let them work out other questions using the same words e.g. ‘ dough’ is slang for …..? A very old-fashioned word for someone who is mentally unstable is ‘lunatic’. Where does this word come from and why is it old-fashioned?
  • It is interesting for them to know that the word ‘ bankrupt’ really means ‘ to break the bench’, an early form of showing that someone trading outside a temple was no longer in business! Let them each find THREE other words and then tell the class what they have discovered. Let them feel how exciting a dictionary can be. This can, of course, lead on to a discussion about encyclopaedias, the value of the internet etc.


Explain how knowledge of prefixes and suffixes helps with spelling! Give them a short spelling test (This can be done at the start of EVERY lesson! The results can be placed on a graph. They enjoy watching their progress).


Explain that slang is vibrant, immediate, youthful, fun BUT it is limited – therefore it is considered non-acceptable. At some stage they have to move beyond slang and improve their vocabulary. They should already be keeping an A-Z book for storing the magnificent world of words! If not – encourage them or even insist. It is really in their own interests as words make up language and they knee-halter themselves by limiting their vocabulary!


Journalling is an important therapy! Explain about being sense-sitive. Read out, store, display and frame the best, even just a phrase!


Go over the assessment chart with them. Help them to edit and encourage, motivate, stimulate and PRAISE!

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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 8. OpenStax CNX. Sep 11, 2009 Download for free at
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