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Ethical implications for engineering - student module  (Page 8/8)

Exercise three: problem solving and the incident at morales

Go to the module on Incident at Morales. Enact the public hearning with your teacher and classmates. Concentrate on approaching responsibility in its proactive sense by going beyond blame, working collectively to prevent future disasters (learn from the past), and look for ways of turning this unfortunate incident into an opportunity to realize value and achieve excellence.

Exercise four: working with the code of ethics

Write a code of ethics for engineers in your particular branch. First, identify the key stakeholders to engineering practice. Then identify their vulnerable needs. Finally, base your code of activities that engineers can perform to consistently maintain and enhance these stakeholder needs and interests.

What did you learn?

This section provides closure to the module for students. It may consist of a formal conclusion that summarizes the module and outlines its learning objectives. It could provide questions to help students debrief and reflect on what they have learned. Assessment forms (e.g., the “Muddiest Point” Form) could be used to evaluate the quality of the learning experience. In short, this section specifies the strategy for bringing the module to a close.


Abet 3f ten years later

Jeopardy for engineering ethics

Engineering ethics across the curriculum: module 1


  1. Baker, B. W., "Engineering Ethics: An Overview, in Smith," J. and Harper, P. M., eds. (2004) Engineering Ethics: Concepts, Viewpoints, Cases and Codes . National Institute for Engineering Ethics: 121-22.
  2. MacIntyre, A. (2007, 1982) After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, 3rd Edition . Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press: 191.
  3. Sagoff, M. (1986) The Economy of the Earth: Philosophy, Law, and the Environment . Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press: 24-49.
  4. Fingarette, H. (1972, 1974) The Meaning of Criminal Insanity . Berkeley, CA: University of California Press: 186.
  5. Harris, C.E., Pritchard, M.S., Rabins, M. J. (1995) Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases , 1st Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company: 29-33.

    Engineering ethics in puerto rico and latin america

  1. Lugo, E. (1985) Etica Profesional Para La Ingenieria . Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: Libreria Universal.
  2. Munoz-Roman, W. (1997) Etica en la Practica Profesional de la Ingenieria: Aspectos Filosoficos, Historicos y Procesales . San Juan, PR: Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico (Co-sponsored by the Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico.
  3. Mitcham, C. and Garcia de la Huerta, M. (2001) La Etica En La Profesion de Ingeniero: Ingenieria y Ciudadania . Santiago, Chile: EDEH. Universidad de Chile.

Insert paragraph text here.

This optional section contains additional or supplementary information related to this module. It could include: assessment, background such as supporting ethical theories and frameworks, technical information, discipline specific information, and references or links.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Engineering ethics modules for ethics across the curriculum. OpenStax CNX. Oct 08, 2012 Download for free at
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