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13.6 Chapter summary

Business Fundamentals was developed by the Global Text Project, which is working to create open-content electronictextbooks that are freely available on the website Distribution is also possible viapaper, CD, DVD, and via this collaboration, through Connexions. The goal is to make textbooks available to the manywho cannot afford them. For more information on getting involved with the Global Text Project or Connexions email us and

Editors: George M Zinkhan, Anastasia Thyroff, Anja Rempel, and Hongbum Kim (The University of Georgia, USA)

Reviewer: Bettina Cornwell (University of Michigan, USA)

New products improve people’s lives, change markets, and affect the everyday world around us (Arts 2008). From an organizational point of view, successful new products are essential for the survival of a firm. At the same time, an organization must recognize when it is time to withdraw a product from the market. As shown in [link] Figure 1, this withdrawal may take place after some years of success in the marketplace. Alternatively, such product deletion may occur before the product is even launched (see the section on “Evaluating Innovations”). Sometimes, clear and straightforward reasons exist to explain why consumers do not accept a new product. Other times, a clear answer is missing (Arts 2008). In this chapter, we highlight many of the key managerial decisions associated with adding and deleting products. We emphasize the important role of marketing research and market-based insights.

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OpenStax, Business fundamentals. OpenStax CNX. Oct 08, 2010 Download for free at
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