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1.1 The business eco-system: the business eco-system

Business Fundamentals was developed by the Global Text Project, which is working to create open-content electronictextbooks that are freely available on the website Distribution is also possible viapaper, CD, DVD, and via this collaboration, through Connexions. The goal is to make textbooks available to the manywho cannot afford them. For more information on getting involved with the Global Text Project or Connexions email us and

Editor: Molly Lavik (Vatel International Business School Los Angeles, USA)

Reviewer: Debbi D Brock (Berea College, USA)

The business eco-system

Whether you possess the characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset, or work for someone who does, you can still be instrumental in starting a new venture by understanding the business eco-system. What is a business eco-system? A business eco-system is a set of business components that form the foundation of a new venture’s creation. Figuratively, the business eco-system is like a wheel that rolls your new venture forward which is why we represent the business eco-system in a wheel-shaped model .

Business eco-system wheel
The Business Eco-system Wheel is reprinted and adapted from the Entrepreneurial Marketing Wheel with permission from Mentorography, Inc. © 2008. All Rights Reserved. Entrepreneurial Marketing; Real Stories and Survival Strategies by Molly Lavik and Bruce Buskirk, Preface, page xxii.
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OpenStax, Business fundamentals. OpenStax CNX. Oct 08, 2010 Download for free at
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