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43.3 Human reproductive anatomy and gametogenesis  (Page 3/29)

The bulbourethral gland    , or Cowper’s gland, releases its secretion prior to the release of the bulk of the semen. It neutralizes any acid residue in the urethra left over from urine. This usually accounts for a couple of drops of fluid in the total ejaculate and may contain a few sperm. Withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy may not work if sperm are present in the bulbourethral gland secretions. The location and functions of the male reproductive organs are summarized in [link] .

Male Reproductive Anatomy
Organ Location Function
Scrotum External Carry and support testes
Penis External Deliver urine, copulating organ
Testes Internal Produce sperm and male hormones
Seminal Vesicles Internal Contribute to semen production
Prostate Gland Internal Contribute to semen production
Bulbourethral Glands Internal Clean urethra at ejaculation

Female reproductive anatomy

A number of reproductive structures are exterior to the female’s body. These include the breasts and the vulva, which consists of the mons pubis, clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, and the vestibular glands, all illustrated in [link] . The location and functions of the female reproductive organs are summarized in [link] . The vulva is an area associated with the vestibule which includes the structures found in the inguinal (groin) area of women. The mons pubis is a round, fatty area that overlies the pubic symphysis. The clitoris    is a structure with erectile tissue that contains a large number of sensory nerves and serves as a source of stimulation during intercourse. The labia majora    are a pair of elongated folds of tissue that run posterior from the mons pubis and enclose the other components of the vulva. The labia majora derive from the same tissue that produces the scrotum in a male. The labia minora    are thin folds of tissue centrally located within the labia majora. These labia protect the openings to the vagina and urethra. The mons pubis and the anterior portion of the labia majora become covered with hair during adolescence; the labia minora is hairless. The greater vestibular glands are found at the sides of the vaginal opening and provide lubrication during intercourse.

The reproductive structures of the human female are shown. (credit a: modification of work by Gray's Anatomy; credit b: modification of work by CDC)
Female Reproductive Anatomy
Organ Location Function
Clitoris External Sensory organ
Mons pubis External Fatty area overlying pubic bone
Labia majora External Covers labia minora
Labia minora External Covers vestibule
Greater vestibular glands External Secrete mucus; lubricate vagina
Breast External Produce and deliver milk
Ovaries Internal Carry and develop eggs
Oviducts (Fallopian tubes) Internal Transport egg to uterus
Uterus Internal Support developing embryo
Vagina Internal Common tube for intercourse, birth canal, passing menstrual flow

The breasts consist of mammary glands and fat. The size of the breast is determined by the amount of fat deposited behind the gland. Each gland consists of 15 to 25 lobes that have ducts that empty at the nipple and that supply the nursing child with nutrient- and antibody-rich milk to aid development and protect the child.

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OpenStax, Biology. OpenStax CNX. Feb 29, 2016 Download for free at
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