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12.3 Titan and triton  (Page 2/3)

At the end of its parachute descent, the 319-kilogram Huygens probe safely touched down, slid a short distance, and began sending data back to Earth, including photos and analyses of the atmosphere. It appeared to have landed on a flat, boulder-strewn plain, but both the surface and the boulders were composed of water ice, which is as hard as rock at the temperature of Titan (see [link] ).

The photos taken during descent showed a variety of features, including drainage channels, suggesting that Huygens had landed on the shore of an ancient hydrocarbon lake. The sky was deep orange, and the brightness of the Sun was a thousand times less than sunlight on Earth (but still more than a hundred times brighter than under the full moon on Earth). Titan’s surface temperature was 94 K (−179 °C). The warmer spacecraft heated enough of the ice where it landed for its instruments to measure released hydrocarbon gas. Measurements on the surface continued for more than an hour before the probe succumbed to the frigid temperature.

Views of the surface of titan.

The left image shows the views of Titan from the descent camera, in a flattened projection, at different altitudes. The right image, taken after landing, shows a boulder-strewn surface illuminated by faint reddish sunlight. The boulders are composed of water ice. (credit left: modification of work by ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; credit right: modification of work by ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; processed by Andrey Pivovarov)

Radar and infrared imaging of Titan from the Cassini orbiter gradually built up a picture of a remarkably active surface on this moon, complex and geologically young ( [link] ). There are large methane lakes near the polar regions that interact with the methane in the atmosphere, much as Earth’s water oceans interact with the water vapor in our atmosphere. The presence of many erosional features indicates that atmospheric methane can condense and fall as rain, then flow down valleys to the big lakes. Thus, Titan has a low-temperature equivalent of the water cycle on Earth, with liquid on the surface that evaporates, forms clouds, and then condenses to fall as rain—but on Titan the liquid is a combination of methane, ethane, and a trace of other hydrocarbons. It is a weirdly familiar and yet utterly alien landscape.

Titan’s lakes.

(a) This Cassini image from a September 2006 flyby shows the liquid lakes on Titan . Their composition is most likely a combination of methane and ethane. (Since this is a radar image, the colors are artificially added. The dark blue areas are the smooth surfaces of the liquid lakes, and yellow is the rougher solid terrain around them.) (b) This mosaic of Titan’s surface from the Cassini-Huygens mission shows in detail a high ridge area and many narrow, sinuous erosion channels that appear to be part of a widespread network of “rivers” carved by flowing hydrocarbons. (credit a: modification of work by NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS; credit b; modification of work by NASA/JPL/ESA/University of Arizona)
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