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This is the assignment for the Software Engineering course.

Assignment 1. project feasibility study and plan

Write a short feasibility report that describes the project that you have selected. The exact form of the report is up to you, but it should be well written and suitable to present to an external client. The length is likely to be between five and ten pages.

The report should include the following:

  • The client for whom the work will be done.
  • Visibility plan. How will you keep in contact with the client and report progress? How will you communicate among your team?
  • A statement of the task to be undertaken.
  • A preliminary requirements analysis.
  • Suggested deliverables.
  • Process to be followed, e.g., modified waterfall model, iterative refinement, prototype, phased development, etc.
  • Outline plan, showing principal activities and milestones.
  • Discussion of business considerations.
  • Risk analysis. What can go wrong? What is your fallback plan?
  • Probable technical requirements

This report is a group assignment. All members of the project team should share in the production of the report.

Assignment 2. progress report and presentation

During the semester each team will give three presentations with associated reports on the work completed. You will make a 45 minute presentation to the client, the Instructor and the Teaching Assistant assigned to your project. Everybody is expected to be a presenter at least once.

The first progress report and presentation should complete one third of the total work from the feasibility study.

If you are following an iterative process the first progress report should mark a major milestone when you can report visible progress to your client. Typically, this will include a first set of requirements, a provisional design and a prototype that can be used to demonstrate the functionality of the system, including user interface design.

If you are following a modified waterfall development process, this progress report should include completion of the requirements phase. Carry out the requirements analysis, definition and specification for your project. Write a requirements document. The exact form of the document is up to you, but it should be well written and suitable to present to your client. In writing a requirements report, pay particular attention to the following:

  • The report must be understandable by the client.
  • The requirements must be specified in sufficient detail to test against the implementation.
  • The requirements must be the client's, not your own concepts.
  • Design concepts must be clearly separated from requirements.
  • Requirements should be partitioned into those that must be met by the first release and those that are optional.

Assignment 3. progress report and presentation

The second presentation and report will follow the same format as the first. You will make a 45 minute presentation to the client, the Instructor and the Teaching Assistant assigned to your project. Remember that everybody is expected to be a presenter at least once during the semester.

Questions & Answers

discuss how the following factors such as predation risk, competition and habitat structure influence animal's foraging behavior in essay form
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location of cervical vertebra
What are acid
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define biology infour way
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What are types of cell
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how can I get this book
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what is lump
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what is cell
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what is biology
what's cornea?
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what are cell
Explain the following terms . (1) Abiotic factors in an ecosystem
Nomai Reply
Abiotic factors are non living components of ecosystem.These include physical and chemical elements like temperature,light,water,soil,air quality and oxygen etc
Define the term Abiotic
what is biology
daniel Reply
what is diffusion
Emmanuel Reply
passive process of transport of low-molecular weight material according to its concentration gradient
what is production?
Pathogens and diseases
how did the oxygen help a human being
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how did the nutrition help the plants
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Source:  OpenStax, Software engineering. OpenStax CNX. Jul 29, 2009 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10790/1.1
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