Question 18 / 50:  A defendant who has been served with a Washington state court complaint has 30 days to serve an answer or other allowed response, to avoid being held in default by the court.
A  True
B  False
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what is oxidation
Chidiebube Reply
calculate molarity of NaOH solution when 25.0ml of NaOH titrated with 27.2ml of 0.2m H2SO4
Gasin Reply
what's Thermochemistry
rhoda Reply
the study of the heat energy which is associated with chemical reactions
How was CH4 and o2 was able to produce (Co2)and (H2o
Edafe Reply
explain please
First twenty elements with their valences
Martine Reply
what is chemistry
asue Reply
what is atom
what is the best way to define periodic table for jamb
Damilola Reply
what is the change of matter from one state to another
Elijah Reply
what is isolation of organic compounds
IKyernum Reply
what is atomic radius
ThankGod Reply
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Atomic radius is the radius of the atom and is also called the orbital radius
atomic radius is the distance between the nucleus of an atom and its valence shell
Read Chapter 6, section 5
Bohr's model of the theory atom
Ayom Reply
is there a question?
when a gas is compressed why it becomes hot?
It has no oxygen then
read the chapter on thermochemistry...the sections on "PV" work and the First Law of Thermodynamics should help..
Which element react with water
Mukthar Reply
an increase in the pressure of a gas results in the decrease of its
Valentina Reply
definition of the periodic table
Cosmos Reply
What is the lkenes
Da Reply
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Business Law MCQ Exam#1 BUS201


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Attribution:  Maureen Shellooe Miller. Open Course Library: BUS&201 Business Law. The Open Course Library. Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges, Jul. 2014.
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