Question 11 / 53:  a cultural expression of feeling and meaning in a form that evokes an aesthetic experience in the participant or observer
1.  aesthetics
2.  aesthetic locus
3.  aesthetic experience
4.  expressive culture
5.  play
6.  festivals
7.  game
8.  sport
9.  art
10.  music
11.  ethnomusicology
12.  scale
13.  rhythm
14.  vocables
15.  dance
16.  verbal arts
17.  myths
18.  legends
19.  rhetoric
20.  folktales
21.  proverbs
22.  riddles
23.  jokes
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Attribution:  Prof. Richley Crapo, Cultural Anthropology. (Utah State University), (Accessed 28 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Szilárd Jankó
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